U.S. Think Tank Claimed That The Chinese Equipment In The Aircraft Carrier Catapult 6 Programs

China's development of power projection capabilities by controlling the main objectives of the Western Pacific, the protection of China's economic interests. However, China's move is also intended to deal with the United States naval forces in the region, and as countries such as Iran and Pakistan alliance.

Japan Earthquake Tsunami, Japan Tsunami Map

Sudden earthquake, the Japanese archipelago crazy. Local time 14:46, the Northeast coast of Sanriku 8.8 earthquake occurred, followed by the 3:24, another strong aftershock occurred 7.4. Japan Meteorological Agency immediately issued a tsunami warning.

Latest Photos Of J-20 Fighter - Details Clearly Visible

Rare photos of J-20 stealth fighter, perfect appearance of slide ammunition storage and main ammunition storage, lol

Chinese Aircraft Carrier Varyag Can Be Served Early This Year

Twice sea trials within one month, only a nine-day rest during the period, it indicated that there has no problem of ship engineering and technical problems for the aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier will be searved soon

German Leopard II Tank Appeared On a Highway In Chengdu, China

Recently, a German Leopard II tank appeared on a highway in Chengdu, China. Federal Republic of Germany in the 1970s developed main battle tank.


China needs at least three aircraft carriers

July 27, Ministry of National Defense announced that China "is using a waste carrier platform for transformation, for research and training." Yesterday, the executive director of China Society of Military Science and Deputy Secretary-General, Major General Luo said China is considering an internal naming of the aircraft carrier, will give you satisfactory answers. He believes that to effectively safeguard China's maritime rights and interests, the number of aircraft at least not less than three. Purposes, crew training aircraft pilots

China is transforming the waste Varyag aircraft carrier pilot training is the ship, said Luo Yuan, pilot training ship and combat ships have a significant difference, not the same as its mandate and mission, is mainly responsible for training ship-based aircraft carrier pilot and crew training task. So much unnecessary equipment, shipboard weapons and equipment, in particular, is the training of ship fuel, fuel, ammunition to be much less than the combat ships, in order to avoid training in the event of an accident, causing unnecessary losses.

Luo believes that Varyag allows us to lower prices and better cost-effective to obtain the advantage. Although it is not the most advanced, but better than nothing, from zero to one, both the amount of change, but also qualitative change. The advantage is that you can put the most advanced technology into our aircraft up. Although the carrier is a product of the era of mechanization, but as long as we embed information elements, is still winning the information war in the vanguard weapon.

According to reports, the training ship is now conventionally powered aircraft carrier. As for the future will not have nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, but also in accordance with prevailing national defense needs and economic strength and technological level may be. From the present point of view, nuclear aircraft carrier is a development trend, we now use the Varyag as a test ship, but also in testing the waters, feeling the stones, as we lay the foundation for future aircraft carriers, and explore the road.

Number, in theory at least 3

China, while several of the number of aircraft should be appropriate? Luo pointed out that the theoretical terms, generally three to form an effective combat aircraft, including a duty, a train, one in the dock repairs. From the perspective of China's neighboring countries, India in 2014 will have three aircraft carriers; Japan in 2014 and there will be three "quasi carriers." "I think we should be able to effectively protect our marine rights and interests, at least not lower." China and the United States there is no need to go, "Gao is high, high specific strength", or according to our own defense needs, according to " reasonable and sufficient "principle, with a certain number of aircraft can be.

Aircraft carrier construction requires a lot of money, said Luo Yuan, we have developed based on aircraft carriers, the first is based on defense needs, and secondly to take into account the affordability of the national economy, but also take into account our scientific and technological level. However, the carrier is not just a simple "swallowing gold beast", it will bring about the necessary economic, stimulating the development of high-tech industry chain. "We look at defense spending, not just looking into this part, but also depends on its output, its output is to give us security, which is the exchange of money does not come."

In addition to carrier-based aircraft carrier battle group, but also need to destroyers, frigates, submarines, escort. Luo said that in this regard, we are forward-looking consideration, is the first with the destroyers, frigates and submarines, another aircraft carrier, can be said that everything is ready, only a strong wind. With the aircraft carrier, we go through a period of running, it will form a combat aircraft carrier battle group. However, this is the future, not the present tense.

Policy, foreign policy is not the same troops

According to media reports, the Department of Defense released the news about China's aircraft carrier, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary said Yukio wild branches, expects China to further enhance military transparency. Luo said this, China has been very transparent, and if the total wearing "colored glasses" to see China, and then clear you will not believe the threat is not just a psychological feeling threatened, the Chinese have a saying called "do good conscience, not afraid of spirit shook the door. " "If you do not do things a disgrace to China, even China has been used in combat aircraft, you do not have to worry about."

If the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier fleet ocean voyage, perform tasks, how to solve the supply problem? Luo said that China even with the aircraft carrier, with the ability to offshore operations, but the naval coastal defense strategy will not change. We do not fight global hegemony, not like the United States' global reach "," forward deployment. " We develop their own navy, mainly to housekeeping escort. If we perform overseas missions, but also the requirements of the United Nations and the countries of the request away. Therefore, they should provide us with the necessary supplies from overseas, our troops overseas, the policy will not change.


Chinese aircraft carrier Varyag Equipment And Weapons

To learn more about China's first aircraft carrier, my friend Han Bin now joins me within the studio.

Q: Han Bin, inform us why it's taken such a long time for China to rebuild this ship? So when will China produce its aircraft service providers?

A, Yes, your question pertains to a thing that is much more difficult: to construct a replacement or rebuild from a classic one. From my interviews, experts believe repairing is much more difficult and also the cost is difficult to check. It's taken 13 years since China bought the Varyag from Ukraine. China began to redesign and rebuild it from 2005. Once the Varyag arrived at China, the majority of its onboard equipment have been removed or destroyed, rubbish was littered everywhere, the inside pipes have been eroded and also the entire body must be fixed. Clearing the remains and seeking to renovate it with no functioning map like a reference would be a huge challenge for that Chinese researchers. But it possesses a true type of a plane company for China. So, this is exactly why it's taken such a long time to do this complicated job.

Theoretically speaking, one aircraft company can hardly accomplish full ocean procedures. It always takes three service providers to complete operation as well as for maintenance and support. The repairing from the Varyag has mainly solved the issues of building a plane company. However the Varyag is dependant on former Soviet military operational thinking. It might not fully adhere to China's naval demands. I do not think it will likely be too lengthy until locally made Chinese aircraft carriers providers can look. However their weight, onboard aircraft along with other systems will stay key towards the outdoors for a long time.


Q: Would you provide us with more particulars concerning the equipment aboard China's first aircraft carrier? And just how lengthy until it may be fully operational?

A: We all know the aircraft company enables a naval pressure to project air energy without needing to rely on local bases. It's a test of group operational abilities, including multiple forces from on-surface, underwater and air. It requires joint efforts and highly matched procedures. This will make both training and ideas complicated.

When it comes to the particular equipment onboard the company, china military hasn't launched a lot of particulars. But from exterior appearance, the renovated aircraft company appears like its sister ship the Russian Kuzenetsov. It's the important thing functions like fixed-wing aircraft landing and offshore systems, artillery and anti-ballistic missile systems along with other functions.

It's thought the company uses China's advanced  J-15 fighters or the improved J-11, China's domestic Su-27. The J-15 has wider fixed wings and tailhooks. It is also thought that Ka-28 and 31 multi-role ship-borne helis may also be equip it too. Such helis can identify submarines both immersed and appeared, and attack while using airborne strike system. Unlike the united states service providers designed to use steam?apowered catapults, this Chinese aircraft carrier is applying the Russian take-off system, it's supplied by a ski-jump in the forward finish from the flight deck.

It will require time prior to the PLA know it's a fully operational company, which the PLA is really a company based navy. However, the conclusion from the repairing of Varyag marks a significant step towards that goal.

The truth behind the United States strengthen surveillance in China is fearing the future superpower

U.S. ignored China's angry protests, insisted on China to continue at or near the reconnaissance flight over, and perhaps both important Chinese military intelligence spy factors, but also to put pressure on China's political motives. Challenged China is fully capable air defense system effective against all types of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft.

April 1, 2001, a United States Navy EP-3 reconnaissance plane in the airspace southeast of Hainan Island, China, China's two military aircraft to track it.

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen in the evaluation of the Chinese Air Force June 29, two Su-27 fighter aircraft to intercept violated Chinese airspace American U-2 reconnaissance plane incident claimed that U.S. planes will continue flying reconnaissance over the border in China. He said: "We want to stop reconnaissance flights in China, we will not do, because the flight is very important."

Mullen's official spokesman later explained that Mullen's remarks were misunderstood some of the media, he refers not to the reconnaissance flights over China, but in the entire region's air reconnaissance. But U.S. military officials of the tough talk on China remains a strong reaction. After all the recent Chinese fighters intercepted U.S. reconnaissance aircraft more frequently, and in the decade before the April 1, 2001, the Chinese aircraft to intercept U.S. spy plane was in a serious accident occurs, leading to a Chinese F-8II fighter pilots at the expense , damaged U.S. EP-3 plane after landing in Hainan, China. The most interesting is that Americans seem to be more angry at that time, the Chinese side to delay the repatriation of U.S. spy plane and its pilots is extremely dissatisfied. U.S. experts believe that Chinese people took the opportunity to study and imitation of the U.S. surveillance plane in the parts that interest them most.

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen tough response to U.S. aircraft, the air contacts the incident, but claimed that language with a pun, "such incidents in the future should not be repeated." Some experts think that this is China a "veiled threat." In fact, the U.S. plane violated Chinese airspace surveillance no longer came close to implementing a new phenomenon, but since the founding of New China is very real and old problems. U.S. reconnaissance aircraft flying over China in January 1951 from the beginning, and special attention to spy on Chinese nuclear project implementation. 1972, warming in Sino-US relations, the Soviet threat increased, although still in the United States to China aerial and satellite reconnaissance, but arrived in China in recent reconnaissance flights over almost 20 years suspended. Later, with the decline of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, a similar conflict broke out again. Aircraft on a regular basis in the last decade the United States to conduct reconnaissance flights over China, but suffered no small loss. During this period China has been and the U.S. spy plane for aerial combat, to provide at least 18 U.S. military reconnaissance plane to eliminate the convincing evidence, although the number of U.S. recognition of the loss of only 9.

Former President Askar Akayev of Kyrgyzstan made a speech two years ago, proving once again that the reconnaissance flights over China to the United States has very important significance. Akayev said his domestic opposition in 2005 was actually a U.S. plot to overthrow. When Washington asked him to allow the U.S. reconnaissance plane to land Air Force Base in Bishkek, Ma Nas, but he refused. The grounds that such aircraft can not be used for operations in Afghanistan, the deployment of the United States would like to high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft in Kyrgyzstan is an attempt to spy on the entire western region of China important information. He did not want to damage relations between Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan can not do the things China is most afraid of. Akayev was the result of the hate America, that he is a challenge to Washington.

Russia's Zhukov Military Academy an air and space defense experts believe that America was special emphasis on reconnaissance flights in China, even at the intensification of bilateral relations, possibly because of the last 15 years, the overall strength of the Chinese military continues to increase, but also to achieve national air defense system modernization. The United States may try to rely on a similar reconnaissance flight came close, the Chinese army's air defense system to identify changes in the nature of the recent developments, in order to find appropriate ways of coping. This gradual deterioration of relations between the two countries and the Asia Pacific region growing military tension in the case is very important. However, China is fully capable air defense system effective against all U.S. reconnaissance aircraft. Optimists believe that the United States at the outbreak of conflict in the foreseeable future is unlikely, because the two economies are closely linked. The fact is. However, there are many historical precedents to prove that even the most intimate economic and trade ties, can not guarantee the strategic interests of certain countries not to provoke competition and conflict.

Now that China's military strength has increased notably, but also in all aspects, not just the Navy, Air Force, air defense systems, and more importantly, the strategic nuclear forces. On the contrary, China is also working to achieve the modernization of nuclear forces, to improve ballistic missile range, increasing the number of missiles and warheads. U.S. concerned about China's nuclear facilities in a high degree of what happened in the end. In addition, China also began to build their own missile defense systems. If China maintains current growth rate, will become a superpower, will influence in the world will not be inferior to the Soviet Union. With further increase in the strength of China, Sino-US relations will gradually intensify. The United States in order to ensure their own safety, to avoid China's "surprise" in front of a passive, therefore, important to strengthen the Chinese military intelligence spying, increased nearly arrived in China over the surveillance, so that accurate "pulse" of China. In addition, the United States steadfastly refused to stop at or near the reconnaissance flights, as well as political purposes, trying this way to make China understand that the U.S. will not "China military threat" continues to increase turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, but will actively prepare for this challenge.


China’s aircraft carrier program represents active move of peaceful development

China Military: For a long time, people had been holding widely divided guesses about reasons for the development of China's first aircraft carrier. According to information released from an authoritative source, China is refitting the flat-top deck of a disused aircraft carrier mainly for scientific research, experiment and training. Aircraft carriers which came to the fore in as early as the World War II are by no means novel equipment. However, this move by China still catches a lot of attention and interest of the international public.

The fact is that among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and the BRICs, China is the only one that does not own an aircraft carrier. Even some other Asian countries go ahead of China in this regard. For China, owning an aircraft carrier to build strong naval defense is a matter of course and a reason for congratulation.

China is one of the large countries with long coastlines in the world, and maritime interests doubtlessly constitute an important component of national interests. As an old Chinese saying goes, "If the ruler wants the country to be rich and strong, he can by no means ignore the sea which presents wealth as well as danger. "From 1840 to 1949, China was invaded hundreds of times and forced to sign over 700 humiliating treaties by big powers that came by sea. The humiliation Chinese people suffered during the Opium War and the Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895 served as a bitter lesson that China cannot do without coastal defense. China's defeat also proved true the saying of a Western strategist, "Without a navy, the will of the state that we want to express at a critical moment is reduced to be a clumsy and useless posture of a giant with feet stuck in mud. "

The 21st century is called the century of sea. The sea has already become an important space to extend national interests, and maritime security has become a major domain of national security. The fight for maritime interests is increasingly fierce. However, interests can only be guarded by power. Making efforts to build a strong navy that matches China's national status and the interests of national development is a response to the objective demand posed by the historical mission of the People's Liberation Army in the new century and the new period and an inevitable choice to safeguard China's national interests in the context of globalization.

Some people argue that China will pose threat to the world when it owns an aircraft carrier. Such argument is entirely out of ulterior motives. Whether the aircraft carrier is used for offense or defense as a combat platform essentially depends on the national defense policies and military strategies of a country.

The Chinese nation loves peace and pursues justice. To stick to the road of peaceful development is the strategic choice that the Chinese government has made according to the trend of the times and its fundamental interests. The development of China will be the development of a power committed to peace. China will never seek hegemony and never resort to military expansion and arms race at present and in the future, no matter how developed China becomes. With the passage of time China is bound to amaze the world with its prosperity.

As Deng Xiaoping said, "the more powerful China becomes, the safer the world will be", and "when China is developed, the force of peace to contain war will be stronger". Even though China may develop aircraft carriers in the future, it will not pose any threat to other countries, but will shoulder more responsibilities for world peace.

China aircraft carrier Varyag will be used only for research, training

China's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that China is rebuilding Varyag aircraft carrier body for the functions of technological research and military training.

"China is using an old aircraft carrier base for technological research, experiment and military training," said Geng Yansheng, a ministry spokesman, at a routine correspondent conference.

The challenge signifies the first official verification that China is sticking with an aircraft carrier plan of its own.

"The aircraft carrier is still seaworthy, as it has been docked at sea for quite a while. The time for its first sea trialis going to be based upon the rebuilding timetable," said Geng.

Chinese aircraft carrier Varyag

"As a significant part of the research and military training plan, practicing aircraft pilots is additionally in progress," he said.

The spokesman announced that the pursuit of an aircraft carrier plan won't affect the inshore defense strategy of China navy.

The warship is an empty shell of aircraft carrier bought in Ukraine. Ukraine disarmed it and taken out its engines before selling it to China.

The craft was initially constructed by the former Soviet Union, which still did not complete the ship's construction before collapsing in 1991.

The research and training plan embodies the capability of China's defense technology and will promote the modernization of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the spokesman said.

Geng said the necessity of acquiring an aircraft carrier for China came from the truth that the country has a very long coastline and a large amount of territorial waters.

The still-unnamed warship is scheduled to receive final adjustments at a shipyard in the port city of Dalian in northeast China's Liaoning Province before embarking on its maiden voyage.

Video footage and pictures acquired by Xinhua showed construction facilities on the carrier's deck. The ship's rusty hull has been repainted with the navy blue shade used by the PLA.

The reconstruction of the aircraft carrier is a long-term project and will have a long way to go before the warship can become operational, Geng said.

"Both overestimation and underestimation of China's aircraft carrier in future have been wrong," Geng said.

Wednesday's official confirmation ended years of speculation, doubt and dreams regarding China's acquirement of an aircraft carrier.

Once the refitting is completed, the aircraft carrier will make China the last of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to own a carrier.

The spokesman did not give further details about the carrier. However, Chinese military experts have provided a more detailed picture of the ship and its capabilities.

The carrier has a displacement of nearly 60,000 metric tons, putting it in the same class as Russia's commissioned carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, said Cao Weidong, a researcher with the PLA Navy's Academic Research Institute.

It is a conventionally-powered medium-sized carrier that will be equipped with indigenous Chinese engines, ship-borne aircraft, radar and other hardware, Cao said.

Fixed-wing aircraft on the carrier will use a ski-jump to take off of the vessel, instead of a catapult system, after the refitting is completed, Cao said.


China's Dongfeng-21D missiles is still far away from field

U.S. experts on China's military threat willfully advocate, or even hypothetical use in the East China by 2015 "Dongfeng -21D" anti-ship missiles sank the U.S. "Washington" aircraft carrier, made naval victory. In fact, compared with the U.S. Navy, China's naval power is much weaker, both in coastal or offshore, whether current or near future, are impossible to pose any serious challenge.

DF-21C ballistic missiles PLA Second Artillery Corps fielded 

Hypothetical Chinese naval missile sink U.S. aircraft carrier

Russian experts say American scholars hypothetical 2015 U.S. naval battle scenes are: the Japanese port of Yokosuka base for the docking of the U.S., "George - Washington" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, as usual in the East China Sea patrol, suddenly subject to "Dongfeng -21D" anti-ship ballistic missiles, warheads completely penetrate all the 14 deck breakdown. Carrier bottom bullet holes with a diameter of 6 meters. Ammunition immediately fire, explosion, over 440 tons of aviation fuel leak, more than 4,000 sailors and pilots were killed, 80 carrier-based aircraft vanished. Carrier was eventually swallowed by the waves, loss of 90 billion U.S. dollars, not to make up at least seven years. This war not only broke the balance of the Western Pacific forces, also declared a new era in international relations, then the world's dominant position is no longer part of the United States, and captured by the Chinese. This scenario is not fiction disaster novel plot, but the United States, "World Affairs Journal" published an article last year's sensational exposition, entitled "Battle in the United States in 2015, how lost to China." Author James - Kraska is not science fiction writer, university professor of international law but the U.S. Navy, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution research fellow, a former U.S. military Joint Chiefs of strategic planning and policy bureaux marine policy adviser.

Russian media said Kraska not so frightened tens of thousands of Americans, the initiator of a similar topic. In recent years there has been a lot of people wrote the U.S. speculative-US naval situation, deliberately rendering the Chinese Navy anti-ship ballistic missiles, new weapons as the "aircraft carrier killer" threat. Perhaps, Kraska writing his masterpiece, the eyes are placed on the May 2009 issue of U.S. Navy magazine "Proceedings", cover to simulate the Chinese anti-ship ballistic missile attack U.S. aircraft carriers of the terrible scene, the two authors Andrew - Sven-Goran Eriksson and David - The Young in the text of the Chinese-made anti-ship missiles and the threat of U.S. Navy warships. They do not deny that "Dongfeng -21D" (Western code CSS-5 Mod-4) in the future of the U.S. Navy's potential hazards, but relatively more cautious, that China's missile development personnel in the future must also solve many problems, especially the new weapons fielded questions.

Soviet aircraft carrier was first developed to deal with anti-ship missile

Although the Chinese first invented the compass, gunpowder, paper and movable type, but not the first developed to destroy enemy ballistic missiles, surface combatants move the country. The first ballistic missile attack aircraft carrier battle groups to imagine that the country is the Soviet Union. 1962 CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers decided to develop and launch 4K10 (R-27) liquid D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile system, after its developed based on identified suitable 4K18 (R-27K) anti-ship missile. With different prototypes, the two anti-ship missile boost phase size small, mainly used for trajectory correction, targeting, and directed by "Legend" Maritime satellite reconnaissance and targeting system (US-P and US-A satellites) and " success-U "aerial reconnaissance and targeting system (Figure-95RTS reconnaissance, card-25RTS helicopter) to protect the two systems. As the only enemy position the initial data is clearly insufficient to ensure their destruction, so R-27K is also equipped with missiles capable of receiving enemy passive radar signal receiving system. Was flying near the target, the missile as early as two outer atmosphere will start two engines by way of correction trajectory to ensure a smooth elimination of aircraft carriers and escort ships. R-27K missile power of the strong nuclear explosive warhead, a launch weight of 13.25 tons, 9 meters long, 1.5 meters in diameter, the maximum range of 900 kilometers. 1970 began testing a new anti-ship missiles, the training ground in the Kapustin Yar test carried out 20 times, 16 of them successful. December 1972, replaced by 605 (629A modified) K-102 diesel-electric submarine test No. 11 10 successful launches, the last being in 1975, the missile accurately hit the target vessels.

Russian experts say, Soviet, and not equipped with R-27K anti-ship ballistic missiles, eventually gave up this unique weapon, for many reasons, there are two main possible. First, the original plan of the assembly R-27K 667V ballistic missile submarine, in the shape and 667A, 667AU submarine did not make any difference. According to the 1972 US-Soviet strategic arms limitation treaty, these submarines are in the restricted list, the Soviet Union forced "reluctantly must sell"; the second is the human factor, the Soviet Navy Command realized that once equipped with R-27K missile, in fact, equal to the rejected plan to build large ocean-going fleet, because if the enemy submarine-launched ballistic missiles able to destroy aircraft carrier battle groups, then also do ocean-going fleet. More superior performance of R-33 anti-ship ballistic missile launch system D-13 development work is also immediately terminated.

Chinese missile threat to the United States rendering ulterior motives

Russian experts said that China "Dongfeng -21D" are being developed, aimed at Taiwan, Russia and India "Dongfeng -21A" and "wind-21C" medium-range solid-fuel propelled missile variants, the United States "Pershing 2 "and Soviet" pioneers "of the Chinese version of the missile range of 900 sea miles. There are no conditions on the missile test to reliable sources. It's over and over again will take a long time, China successfully tested has been no official confirmation. Therefore, the United States deliberately rendering the missile threat is clearly an ulterior motive, ulterior motives. U.S. military officials in the assessment of China's new weapons are two schools of opinion. Outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the "Dongfeng -21D" can undermine the freedom of the seas and undermine U.S. strategic strength; retired Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead, a little calmer, he said: "Although the DF-21 missile is a very interesting weapons, but Our aircraft capable of maneuvering, we have to fight against such weapons systems. "

Indeed, the U.S. Navy has been actively preparing for counter possible threats. As we all know, the United States in efforts to build global anti-missile system, the most important component of sea-based missile defense system. On 15 April this year, the U.S. military in conjunction with Lockheed Martin and other arms giants in the area of ​​Hawaii, "Standard -3 Block 1A" missile intercept test, launched from Kwajalein incoming ballistic missile is a forward-deployed in the Pacific Island AN/TPY-2 missile detection and tracking radar, missile flight data to obtain real-time transmission to the "O'Kane" destroyer, when the target into the carrier, "Aegis" combat command system perspective, the destroyer began to direct interception action, launching a "standard 3" interceptor missile successfully hit a simulated enemy targets medium-range ballistic missiles. It should be noted, AN/TPY-2 deploy anti-missile radar to the forefront not only on the island, but also easy on the ship. In other words, the U.S. Navy anti-missile weapons now have the ability to intercept anti-ship China has not yet successfully developed ballistic missiles. Moreover, the U.S. Navy will soon have a new interceptor missile, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency in April this year, and Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing signed a development of the "standard -3 Block 2B" interceptor missile contract. This new generation of missiles capable of destroying a maximum range of 12,000 km intercontinental ballistic missile, the missile can intercept before entry into the dense atmosphere. New missile troops should be in 2020, when the "Dongfeng -21D" debugging may not be the last end.

Russian experts point out that in 2015 China's "wind-21D" in the East China Sea, sinking the U.S. "Washington," the carrier is unlikely. U.S. aircraft carrier for China's future hypothetical threats to U.S. interests as such, without any real basis.

Carrier may not be able to ensure the safety of China's maritime lifeline

Russian media said that China's aircraft carrier Varyag was converted a heavy aircraft cruiser, this year will be trials. Be noted that the carrier has converted the Dalian Shipyard for 12 years in the future but also a lot of time to perfect. In addition, China also developed J -15 carrier-based fighters, despite its Russian-made Su-33 is similar, but in many ways, after all, have not yet reached the Su-33 level, must be modernized to improve and debug.

Russian experts said that China build a strategic positioning of a large aircraft carrier fleet is questionable, and there may be ambition more than rational thinking. China recognizes the need to protect the aircraft carrier to connect the Near East, Iran, Africa's sea lines of communication security, because China's rapid economic growth necessary for most of the oil and other resources from these areas. But these "floating airports" to ensure that lifeline really safe? If rational thinking, the answer is clearly no. Once the Indian Ocean because of the situation intensified, the Chinese carrier stopped on the road ahead will not only prompt a strong Navy and the Indian Navy. From China into the Indian Ocean must be the narrow Malacca Strait, Sunda Strait and other straits in Indonesia, but Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing may not be standing here, the Chinese in Southeast Asia will not welcome more Big Brother. Also a line from south China, and then turned to the West, but will face another stumbling block, namely Australia. In short, China is similar to New Zealand from Japan "unsinkable aircraft carrier" surrounded by the blockade, so betting on the aircraft carrier does not fully address the safety of sea lines of communication problems, even if the Chinese were able to send 15 aircraft, once the military action, will be enemy air force and anti-ship missiles easily coast to sink. Moreover, aircraft construction, maintenance and usage costs significantly, how much a bit more harm than good.

China's naval blockade aim breakthrough island chain

Russian experts believe that China has the U.S. aircraft carrier can exert psychological pressure on the United States and Taiwan to China more moderate political policies more carefully, especially in the United States is obviously not conducive to world economic conditions change, against the U.S. much ado about nothing. According to the International Monetary Fund recently published data in 2016 on China's economic indicators is expected to surpass the United States, which marked the end of the era. Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Applied Mathematics experts predict that by 2014 there could be more tragic events occur, more serious consequences may occur when the second wave of global economic crisis, the reason is still the United States and some of the financial bubble in the national economy, and the huge national debt. Once the debt crisis, the consequences more dire, it is not only a heavy blow to the United States, but also to a large population, natural resources in China suffer, causing China's domestic economic and social crisis, to induce China's foreign force, directed at the culprit United States. No wonder this year's March 10 hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, U.S. National Intelligence Director Clapper stated that all countries in the world, China has a nuclear arsenal of the United States constitute the most serious threat to the most deadly.

Russian media said the two countries since the sea across the ocean, so the war is likely to start with the sea began. In contrast, the United States has an absolute advantage, we can see Kraska imaginary 2015 China-US naval victory of the article simply is not convincing. In 2010 he was imaginary events of 2015, though it was Gates' vision of the U.S. Navy 313 ships a large establishment has not been achieved, but the U.S. will have at least 11 aircraft carriers, 88 cruisers and destroyers, 48 ​​submarines, 55 Littoral Combat Ship, 31 landing craft. Even if only one every three warships to the fighting position to ensure the vote on the remaining two maintenance or repair, so that U.S. troops still deployed in the global sea about 100 ships at the same time, the strength is quite powerful.

Although China has been significant growth in naval power, but the last 10 years, still unable to break through the second island chain. 1995, China declared a naval strategy of active defense, not only to prevent sea invasion, is still developing the implementation of pre-emptive strikes on potential enemies the ability to determine three phases to achieve this strategy. The first stage should be to ensure a breakthrough to the Philippines from the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, the first island chain blockade, this task can now say that in fact has been completed; now in the second phase of the 2020 breakthrough in the Kuril Islands to New Guinea from the second island chain; the third stage in 2050 as a maritime country, to ensure that Chinese warships free access to any waters of the world's oceans.

Russian experts believe that China participated in the Indian Ocean naval escort mission against Somali pirates, absolutely can not prove that the threat of the Chinese fleet is expanding. Russia also sent warships to the Gulf of Aden frequent escort, did not see this case cause the United States the so-called recovery of any concerns about the Russian Navy.

China's naval power is not strong

Russian media said that China has no adequate number of ships to send troops to the ocean. Modern surface warships the Chinese navy, only 13 destroyers (a 051B type, type 2 051C, 2 052, 2 052B type, two Type 052C, 2 956E type 2 956EM-type) and 20 frigates ( 10 053H3-type, two 054-type, eight Type 054A). Seem to have an impression that China has not been established long ago required the Navy Command of the main types of surface warships, but in recent years began to equip 054-class escort. Now been fitted out in 10, four under construction, the first assembly 054B is also being modified. Seems 054 will be the main force of China's naval surface ships standard. Type 054A frigate full load displacement of 4053 tons, length 134 meters, 16 meters wide, the use of diesel gas turbines, the maximum speed of 30 knots, range 3800 sea miles. Weapons and equipment including 32 "red flag 16" medium-range air defense missile vertical launcher (Russia "no wind -1" air defense missile system of the Chinese version), 2 sets of quadruple C-803 "Eagle Strike -83" anti-ship missile device (weight 165 kg warhead, range 200 km), a 76 mm automatic cannon Universal (Russian-made AK-176 Chinese version), 2 730 30-mm short-range air defense artillery (to imitate the Dutch 'keeper' gun ), two 324 mm 3 "fish -7" torpedo launchers (to imitate the Western anti-submarine torpedo weapons), a card -29 or straight-9C helicopters. It is said, also equipped with eight HN-2 "Red Bird" cruise missile, used to attack coastal targets within 1800 km. It would appear, 054A-type multi-purpose frigates are combat units, can perform various tasks in modern naval warfare, the overall performance is not inferior to similar foreign products, in some ways even better than the opponent. But the Chinese Navy destroyer standard development path more difficult. The level of domestic and imported only 13 ships, there are three models seven kinds of modifications. Seems to have made the final choice, recently began construction 052D destroyers, it is the further development of type 052C, the main difference is the use of automated battle command systems, superstructure, looking around on the deployment of phased-array radar, to reproduce the U.S. "Arleigh Burke "class destroyer of the classic layout.

Russian experts believe that the Chinese Navy in nuclear submarines are obviously behind the United States. Now the Chinese navy combat formation has two 094 "Gem" class missile submarine, an aging no longer has the sea 092 "Summer" class nuclear submarine, 2 093, "Business" class multipurpose nuclear submarine, 3-4 091-type vessels are less than perfect "Han" class nuclear submarines. It is said that there are several ships submarines under construction, including 095,096,097 new products. But it should be noted that the Chinese nuclear submarines fitted out and grasp the extremely slow, and problems from time to time. In conventional submarines, the Chinese navy has 31 modern diesel-electric submarines, including 14 039/039G type "Song" class, five 041-type "element" class, 12 from Russia 877EKM/636/636M type. Chinese diesel-electric submarines superior performance, and perhaps still remember all the naval experts, October 26, 2006 China a "Song" class submarines quietly break antisubmarine area, from the U.S. "Kitty Hawk" only five nautical miles into the direct torpedo range of areas, demonstrating China's new diesel-electric submarines of the superior performance and high fighting qualities crew. China continues to perfect the construction of conventional submarines, the end of a new generation of diesel-electric submarine into the water, some experts believe that it uses the auxiliary power unit AIP, a vertical launcher, capable of launching missile attacks on targets at sea and ashore.

Russian media said the Chinese Navy surface ships and equipment is the largest number of missile boats, including the most advanced 022-type. In 1999, China and more from Australia's advanced hull design consulting company introduced a type of wave-piercing catamaran AND HSC technology, including AMD-150 type 25 meters long, speed 31, AMD-183 type, 30 meters long, speed 29. China first built according to the relevant technology, "Eagle" No. "Snapshots" yacht, after a comprehensive test, developed on its basis a 022-type missile boats, 43 meters long, a displacement of 220 tons, maximum speed 36. It is widely used in stealth technology, the assembly of eight C-802 anti-ship missiles with a range of 120 kilometers, can also be changed into several pieces, "Red Bird" cruise missiles to attack targets ashore. 022-type missile mass production since 2004, China's Navy has fielded an unknown quantity, there is news that close to 50, there is news that more than 80. In short, the scale is not small, and continues to build.

Russian experts say, the Chinese Navy shore-based air condition is not particularly desirable, in the hundreds of aircraft in only 24 Su-30MK2 multi-role fighter to meet modern requirements. In short, with the U.S. Navy, the Chinese fleet is very weak. If we exclude the nuclear forces at sea, the Chinese navy and even far less than the equilibrium configuration, well-equipped Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, only close to the overall strength of the South Korean navy on the level. In other words, both now and in the near future, whether in coastal or ocean, the Chinese navy will not pose any serious challenge to the U.S. Navy.

Chinese Y - 9 transport aircraft test in Xi'an, Shaanxi

China military report: Photos display, Y -9 transport aircraft produced by Shaanxi Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. appeared on the airport of Flight Test Research Institute of China, which shows that this type of aerotransport is on test. The aircraft is a alternative of long-awaited Y -8 medium transport, and also the latest reformed aerotransport of An-12 transport aircraft developed by Soviet-era Antonov Design Bureau.

Three View of Y -9 transport aircraft

The conceptual design of Y -8X transport aircraft has been displayed in 2002 Zhuhai Air Show, this 30-ton payload medium transport aircraft is the predecessor of Y -9 . In that air show, A staff member disclosed that Y -8X is intended  to tocompetite with Lockheed - Martin C-130J.

Y -9 transport aircraft still in assembly 

When 2005 Beijing air show, the conceptual design of Y -8X has evolved into the concept of Y -9: payload 20-tons, powered by four Wojiang FWJ-6C turboprop engines, and equipped with 6-bladed JL-4 composite propellers. A brochure shows Y -9's ferry range with max payload reached 42 km, it can transport 98 soldiers, the largest single throw weight is 8.2 tons. Allegedly, the weight of PLA's ZBD-03 airborne infantry combat vehicle is 8.2 tons.

Shaanxi Aircraft Group applied a number of technical improvements for Y -9 transport to the modified aircrafts of a series of radar early warning aircrafts appeared in 2005 -2006.

In 2005, the staffers of  Ukraine Antonov Design Bureau disclosed, they was hired as the design consultants of the transport aircraft developed by Shaanxi Aircraft Industry Group and Xi'an Aircraft Company. New wing design and manufacture of new composite fuselage all need Antonov Design Bureau's technology. These two features are used in the modified early warning aircrafts, and the new type of Y -9 transport aircraft is installed a rear-mounted pedal.

Y -9 transport aircraft was taken in test

As the previous several Y -9 prototypes have been tested and validated, the test time of this Y -9 transport aircraft is likely to be shorter, it's expected to quickly put into production. Over the years, people have stressed the lack of strategic and tactical transport capacity is the weaknesses of the PLA, the PLA should therefore be expected to purchase a large number of Y -9 transport aircrafts and the payload 60 tons Y -20 transport aircrafts with turbofan engines that China XAC will disclose.


Varyag Aircraft Carrier Nears Test Voyage

China has almost completed reconstruction work on the Varyag, a defunct Soviet-era carrier it purchased from Ukraine in 1998 for a reported US$20 million, leading to media speculation that the test voyage of the country's first aircraft carrier is imminent. 

Chinese aircraft carrier Varyag

"The remodeling work on the aircraft carrier is almost finished and a test voyage could take place as early as Aug. 1, which marks the founding of the People's Liberation Army," the online edition of China's Global Times reported on Monday. The story was picked up by several Hong Kong media, including Wenweipo and Phoenix Satellite TV.

China has since 2005 been working on the vessel, now renamed the "Shi Lang" after a decorated admiral from the 17th century who famously conquered Taiwan.

The Global Times posted scores of photographs last Thursday showing the bridge of the carrier near completion and pieces of scaffolding being removed. Some photos also showed rescue boats and other equipment being loaded onto the carrier.

"The exterior of the Varyag has been painted in the standard light gray color of the Chinese navy. Remodeling work is in its final stages," reported the Eastday.Com, another Chinese Internet media.

A 20,000-ton Chinese naval vessel flying the flags of all nations was also spotted this month moored next to the Varyag, as thousands of soldiers rehearsed celebratory drills for the carrier's official launch. A group of uniformed female soldiers were also witnessed boarding the Varyag for a tour.

These observations have led China watchers to assume that the test voyage of the aircraft carrier will take place no later than Oct. 1, the founding day of the People's Republic of China.

The Varyag has apparently been fitted with radar and other navigational equipment, but weapons systems have yet to be installed. Chen Bingde, chief of the PLA General Staff, refused to confirm the reports to journalists on July 11, but his comments suggested a tacit acknowledgment of the remodeling work.

"I have nothing more to say about Chinese aircraft carriers, since prominent media have already reported on them so much," he said.

China 'aircraft carrier killer' can cover South China Sea

For more than a century, surface warships have been struggling to survive against mines, submarines, aircraft and, more recently, cruise missiles. Now China’s rapid development of a sophisticated anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) raises the threat to a new level.

China is develop sophisticated anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM)

The U.S. Navy, mindful of the threat and no less focused on advancing its technologies to protect its fleet, remains confident in its ability to project naval power globally on the surface as well as under water. But for less technologically advanced navies of the Asia-Pacific region, it is becoming difficult to see how in the decades ahead they can stand up to an opponent that can target surface ships with hypersonic homing warheads that can range more than 1,500 km (900 mi.)—and perhaps much farther.

China Daily is citing a range of 2,700 km for the revolutionary missile, the DF-21D, presenting the crucial data point in a report based on comments by the chief of the Chinese general staff, Gen. Chen Bingde. The Pentagon said last year the DF-21D’s range is “in excess of 1,500 km.”

If not a journalistic error, the statement means that U.S. aircraft carriers launching strike missions while keeping clear of DF-21Ds would need aircraft with even longer ranges than thought. It means that the DF-21Ds can be safely kept further inland. And, for Asian navies, it means the whole South China Sea can be covered from Guangdong, a Chinese province where DF-21Ds are based.

China’s second key revelation about the DF-21D is that it is still in development, though the U.S. has said it is in service.

“The missile is still undergoing experimental testing and will be used as a defensive weapon when it is successfully developed, not an offensive one,” says Chen. “It is a high-tech weapon and we face many difficulties in getting funding, advanced technologies and high-quality personnel, which are all underlying reasons why it is hard to develop this.”

Adm. Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in December that the DF-21D had reached the equivalent of initial operational capability. Taiwan has also said China has begun to deploy the missile. Yet Chen’s comments, made after a meeting with his U.S. counterpart, Adm. Michael Mullen, imply that any DF-21Ds that have been deployed are not regarded as fully developed.

“It’s possible that an initial ASBM variant could be more basic,” says Mark Stokes, executive director of the Project 2049 Institute, an Asia-focused think tank in Arlington, Va. “Then maybe a follow-on variant could integrate some of the more sophisticated technologies, such as a high-altitude radar system.”

U.S. Naval War College Prof. Andrew Erickson says the tone of Chen’s remarks “could be interpreted to reflect a high level of uncertainly and ambivalence about the missile’s immediate prospects, directed at a Chinese audience through Chinese media.

“Viewed in this light, the three factors Gen. Chen outlines—funding, technology, talent—may be viewed as serious constraints, even bottlenecks, in the challenging task of successfully maturing and integrating an ASBM system of systems.”

China’s idea of “operational” may be closer to the U.S. concept of full operational capability, adds Erickson.

The appearance of Chen’s statement in China Daily, an English-language newspaper acting as a government mouthpiece directed at the outside world, is itself meaningful. The paper’s reports on sensitive subjects often appear to be carefully written to deliver Beijing’s message.

The DF-21D is one such sensitive subject, as the U.S. considers how it would counter Chinese attempts to dominate nearby seas and forcibly regain control of Taiwan. In the view of some analysts, surface warships—above all, aircraft carriers—are fundamentally too vulnerable to such a weapon, because their signatures are so large and the missile is very difficult to intercept.

In the May 2011 issue of the U.S. Naval Institute journal Proceedings, two Pentagon strategists, Navy Capt. Henry Hendrix and Marine Corps Lt. Col. Noel Williams, urge immediate cessation of U.S. aircraft carrier construction. Noting such threats as the DF-21D, they write, “the march of technology is bringing the supercarrier era to an end, just as the new long-range strike capabilities of carrier aviation brought on the demise of the battleship era in the 1940s.”

Skeptics respond that the DF-21D’s kill chain can be broken in several places—for example, in target detection and tracking before launch, communication of targeting data or final homing descent. Still, considering the crews and costs of surface ships, especially carriers, the stakes are high.

“Yes, the [U.S.] Navy would want to have a high degree of confidence that they could break a link in the kill chain, but there are no certainties here,” says Eric Hagt of the World Security Institute. “It’s a game of measures, countermeasures, counter-counter-measures, et cetera. Having said that, the U.S. remains a superior, technologically capable fighting force, so it stands to reason they are able to conceive of and develop sophisticated countermeasures to the ASBM.”

However, there are no guarantees, he stresses, adding that the real mission of the DF-21D is deterrence. “It could and probably will give the U.S. Navy much more pause for concern when getting involved in any potential scenario in the western Pacific closer to China’s shores.”

The views from China’s neighboring countries and Australia are even more sobering. From there, attacking the DF-21D kill chain must look like a challenge ranging from enormous to unthinkable. Over the past few years, the Asia-Pacific-region navies have increasingly shifted their resources to submarines. Japan intends to enlarge its submarine fleet to 24 from 18 and Australia, to 12 from six.

The range of 2,700 km has previously been attributed to earlier DF-21s built to attack fixed targets, raising the possibility that the figure has appeared in the paper only as a result of sloppy journalism. That would be quite an error, however, considering that the report was supposed to convey a message abroad.

China’s military, with a seemingly atavistic aversion to public statement, tends to reveal its capabilities by just letting the world see them. Examples include its demonstration of anti-satellite technology in 2007, when it blasted away an old weather spacecraft, and the seemingly casual rolling out of the so-called J-20 fighter prototype in view of an airfield fence at Chengdu in December 2010.

“My impression is that an ASBM range requirement is driven by the maximum range of U.S. weapon-delivery platforms associated with a carrier battle group,” says Stokes. “The 2,700-km requirement seems a bit more than what’s needed.”

Nonetheless, it is clear that extra range, whether immediately available or in a future version of the DF-21, would give China greater flexibility in basing and targeting. Hagt notes that fixing targets becomes more difficult and increasingly reliant on vulnerable satellites as the range rises.

In the same report, China Daily says the incomplete carrier China bought from Ukraine in 1998, Varyag, “is expected to serve primarily as a training vessel for pilots and deck crews.” Such training has always been assumed as the initial role of the ship, since China has little or no experience in the difficult business of operating fixed-wing aircraft at sea.

“China is a big country and we have quite a large number of ships, but they are only small ships,” Chen says. “This is not commensurate with the status of a country like China.” The U.S. is “a real world power” because it has 11 aircraft carriers, he adds. The general also says much Chinese military technology is at the level of U.S. equipment used 20-30 years ago.

China will build ten thousand Dongfeng-21D missiles

Recently, the PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde said Dongfeng-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles is still in test, but U.S. analysts believe that although the Dongfeng-21D can not play some of the features, but already have a certain level of combat capability, adding that China will eventually may produce about ten thousand of the missiles, which cost the equivalent of the United States the cost of building an aircraft carrier.

DF-21C medium-range surface to surface missile

U.S. media said recently confirmed that the PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde is developing Dongfeng-21D anti-ship ballistic missile forces have aircraft carriers in China can challenge the U.S. Navy in the Pacific before the initiative. The article quoted U.S. "diplomat" magazine reported that 15, DF-21 can hit 2700 km outside the surface-ship, the fight against the U.S. Navy before the distance is nearly twice as analysts expected.

U.S. media also said that Chen Bingde also said that China is still anti-ship ballistic missile test successful deployment will be used as a defensive weapon, not for attack. "This is a high-tech weapons, and we in the capital, technical and high-quality personnel face many difficulties, this is difficult because the missile development."

"Diplomat" magazine article also pointed out that U.S. analysts believe that, although the DF-21 can not play some of the features, but already have a certain level of combat capability. Reported that "China's large-scale technology projects are usually conducted in secret, the process is very secretive." Experts say, in addition to better targeting of U.S. aircraft carrier missile, but China also needs to have long-range radar systems, military satellites need to be guide. Experts also believe that China will eventually use the United States the cost of building an aircraft carrier, the production of about 10000 DF-21, so that although China is the lack of some technology, but can hit more distant surface targets.

The era that to resolve territorial disputes with non-peaceful means will not come again

South China Sea issue is  a major issue of the ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting held in Bali, Indonesia July 19, Whether ASEAN will formulate "binding the South China Sea Code of Conduct" has become the most popular questions in the press conference.

The South China Sea map

"hot South China Sea issue" diffusing over Bali clearly aims at China. However, around the South China Sea there is a figure of another power, this is the United States. On the series of meetings of ASEAN foreign ministers last year, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly announced that the South China Sea islands dispute is related to the U.S. national interest, then the South China Sea issue all the way to heat up. Before the meeting in Bali, the U.S. warship arrived in Vietnam, the United States and Vietnam joint naval exercises still ongoing. Soon to debut in Bali high on what Hillary Clinton in turn, there is reason to express great concern.

We do not put the controversial issue of bilateral multilateral occasions, against the external powers interfere in this issue, which shows that China is neither wrong, what more does not mean that the Chinese fear. We adhere to this idea and just do not want to complicate the issue of expansion.

Between individual ASEAN countries and China on disputed territory and maritime rights and interests is an objective fact. Every inch of territory is sacred, so for small countries, big countries of the same. No matter how sensitive the problem itself, but not terrible, but not a deadlock. Through non-peaceful means to resolve territorial disputes has passed. As early as 60 years ago by France and Germany to promote the establishment of European Coal and Steel Community, taking historical grievances, and on this basis and gradually explore the road of European integration. Wise Asian countries also have the ability to effectively protect the stability of the South China Sea, the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and the sea, a sea of ​​cooperation, as soon as possible the complete elimination of the South China Sea dispute.

In the South China Sea issue, China's position is consistent and clear. The 1980s, China put forward "shelving disputes and seeking common development" idea. China is said, and also to do so.

The principle of peaceful negotiation to solve this common position, from the Chinese of the Times. Based on peace and development are the two main themes of the times to judge, Albert reform and opening up initiated by Deng Xiaoping. Firmly grasp the peace, development and cooperation of the trend, China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development. Great achievements in economic development, not only the growth of China's comprehensive national strength, but also the Chinese people's mind is more open, more patient when dealing with complex issues, "good, peaceful and prosperous neighborhood" around the foreign policy of China's diplomatic thinking has become an important components.

2002 reached the "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" is a good reason why the file, first, because China and ASEAN member countries strongly aware of the problem need to solve the South China Sea for peace, friendship and harmonious environment, the need to resolve differences and disputes and create a favorable conditions. A clear commitment in the document the parties in respect of equality and mutual trust established on the basis of the approach. Over the past 10 years, China has actively promoted the implementation of "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" and the follow-up process, and strive to achieve substantive progress as soon as possible. Unfortunately, individual countries did not have to be with.

Bali before the meeting, individual ASEAN countries, pushing hard to come up with a "binding the South China Sea code of conduct," and even leaked through the media, "I hope that in the United States and Japan's cooperation to solve the problem." Throw not the original intention of commenting on this initiative, the South China Sea issue in the current atmosphere, so "strong move to promote" a realistic basis? Linked to individual countries trying to promote the internationalization of the South China Sea issue to put pressure on China, we have reason to ask the question: so-called "binding" and "conduct" the true meaning what? China is not bound to the same time, open their hands and feet? Immature "conduct" will not have a "binding", but the situation becomes more complicated?

ASEAN is now really need to further promote internal political, economic and diplomatic aspects of integration. However, expect to internationalize the issue by the South China Sea to enhance internal integration and enhance the international influence is clearly unrealistic. Doing so, ranging from ASEAN member countries will affect the relationship between the weight will "hurt the interests of all countries in the region."

South China Sea dispute does not meet the fundamental interests of China and ASEAN. We put the future of the South China Sea into the common development and prosperity of the region to consider the height, they will more fully understand the meaning of peaceful negotiation to solve common. Need to do now is to cool the South China Sea disputes, promote the development of relations between China and ASEAN, the South China Sea the ultimate solution to create a good environment.

We believe that China and its neighboring countries have the ability and wisdom to properly handle South China Sea issue.


China's first aircraft carrier is facing the last difficulty before in service

China has been revealed the message of "China's aircraft carrier 7.1 sea trial,", although ultimately it was proved to be false, but it certainly is, the time that Varyag aircraft carrier sail to the sea has entered the countdown.Recently, Chinese naval 88 training ship parked next to Varyag aircrfaft carrier triggering speculation about the outside world. In fact, the arrival of 88 training ship, which exactly reflects the Chinese navy started to address Varyag aircrfaft carrier was commissioned before the end of a storm - a large warship personnel management.

Chinese aircraft carrier

As a large aircraft carrier ships, large numbers of people is a major feature. United States, "Nimitz" aircraft carrier's crew of 3,200 people, over 2,480 aviation personnel, a total of about 5680 people. Varyag aircraft carrier was in accordance with the original design, a crew of 1960 people, about 600 aviation personnel, a total of about 2600 people. Reportedly, Varyag aircraft carrier was the ship had 3,800 rooms, in such a complex space how to manage so many people, is to be resolved before the aircraft carrier at sea is an important issue.

Chinese navy a few years ago is still a lack of large vessels, the largest tonnage of the "modern" class destroyers, but 8,000 tons of people but for the 350. With 18,000 tons of "Kunlun Mountains" class amphibious ship into the water, the first time the Chinese navy has more than tons of large vessels, but also "large ships personnel management" as a new subject. "Kunlun Mountains" Captain Qiao Zhiqiang told the Xinhua News Agency reporters: "Kunlun Mountains" was the impact of the Chinese navy is a multi-faceted, such as about 4,000 tons of the destroyer, captain shouted a voice could be solved problem, and now such a big ship, no radios, walkie-talkies and other means to complete the internal exchange of information is simply not normal operation.

Can be seen, the Chinese navy destroyer jumped from the thousands of tons to 20,000 tons amphibious ships, then jumped to the 60,000-ton aircraft carrier, is bound to encounter further "management shock." More than 2,600 people concentrated in the 60,000-ton warship, to complete the high tension of combat operations, as well as a lot of fuel, supplies and ammunition management and distribution, including fighter jets, helicopters, logistics maintenance support, ship transfer of information within the process are also better than the destroyer more complex. In addition, amphibious ships and aircraft, and a large number of ordinary sailors inevitably different arms, such as marine, aviation operations personnel to live together, this is the past, Chinese warships do not have.

Lack of large warships the Chinese navy is very practical management experience, so many people focused on a warship on dry so much, how to solve this problem for the Chinese navy is a great challenge.

Some may believe that China's experience with managing a modern enterprise, certainly easy to solve the "large warships personnel management" problem, but only on paper. Modern enterprise management system of science itself is a strong focus on practice, and the aircraft carrier as the world's highest concentration of technology where there is no well-studied in detail, and first-hand experience of the actual operation and could not easily solve the problem.

Known as the "Sea Hotel," the 88-ship, and lots of cabin room. Varyag aircrfaft carrier was officially stationed in front of the crew, the transition in this flow. Chinese aircraft carrier's crew were in the ship conducted a series of 88 ships daily operational training, including fire damage control training, training, command and communications within the ship, especially the senior commander on the aircraft carrier, the more workers can accumulate large management experience, to discover a crew of "basic necessities" appears in the details, such as similar to "restaurant on the distribution of thousands of people" and so on. From this point, the 88-ship aircraft carrier to China very well the meaning of service.

However, the formation of China's first aircraft carrier combat, still need a large number of combat personnel took positions directly to practice, after a long period of experience in order to achieve the qualifying level. When the aircraft carrier at sea, just a question of form, not on behalf of the Chinese aircraft carrier into the true sign of the military.


Chinese Aircraft Carrier Lastest Pictures

After carrier-based aircraft landing-aid system of Varyag aircraft carrier started test a few days ago,  yesterday Chinese military enthusiasts took the photos of the latest development of Varyag aircraft carrier modification.

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Varyag aircraft carrier,china's aircraft carrier,aircraft carrier china,aircraft carrier of china

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china's aircraft carrier,aircraft carrier china,china s aircraft carrier,china aircraft carriers,chinese aircraft carriers

China to step up J -15 carrier-based aircraft test flight, to deter, the U.S. aircraft carriers

Chinese aviation industry officials confirmed that Shenyang Aircraft Company in 2009-2010 produced more J-15 fighters, a total of three J-15 prototypes will take  flight test in 2011, they are all installed folding wings. The latest J-15 prototype of them would be "full-featured."

Chinese J -15 carrier-based aircraft

This is the first time Chinese officials admitted in Shenyang continue to produce J -15, and testing of weapons, radar integration work. Other basic recognition improved radar is made, of course, the most important improvement is the addition of the sea search, attack mode, so the ability to use Chinese-made large-scale anti-ship missiles.

As the body than the J -15 fighter-bombers JH -7 more large-scale, so have the ability to fuselage carrying air-launched as "Eagle Strike" -62 kind of large-scale anti-ship missile, it increased to a range of at least 400 km, which U.S. carriers have real meaning in terms of deterrence.

Sources said that in the test phase is still assembling the first aircraft J -15 Russian AL-31F engines. Articles that future mass production of the F-15 is assembled, "Taihang" engine on the engine that made the F-11B fighter aircraft in the use of conditions. Aircraft carriers increase or decrease in speed with the engine performance is critical.

Roughly -15 F and F-11B uses the same composite material, design and dimensions almost identical to the Su-33, and the design of the front wing. But experts in China Aviation Industry Group, said: J-15 is a Navy fighter with independent property rights, despite the appearance of similar products close to Russia, but after the J-shape, whether radar or -15 engines are China's own development, and avionics weapons are completely different from the similar Russian aircraft. J -15 will not be equipped with Russian weapons systems. But sources acknowledged in the production process of the J -15, adopted a "two control" approach, that the drawings were imported, were imported aircraft. This obviously means that China obtained some of the Su-33 test machine drawings.

Appeared in China's Internet Kelong Su J -15 clear picture, clearly see the front wing and the aft hook, and T-10K tester 03,07 exactly the same shape number. Pictures can also be sure to use a Russian engine AL-31F, J-11B head-up display and the same seems to be wide-angle. Articles judge J -15 and F-11B, F-11BS fighter's avionics system has a lot in common. This aircraft has been painted a Navy J -15 color, not painted before the test images. Picture is taken in Shenyang plant, which mean "factory test is over," worth watching.

China is no longer taboo topic to talk about aircraft carriers

According to diplomats and U.S. government authorities have revealed that China has started construction of  first domestic aircraft carrier this year. China's goal is to build a "powerful navy," to expand the rights of the ocean. Purchased from Ukraine, medium-sized aircraft carrier Varyag (about 60,000 tons displacement) will trial during the year. If the domestic aircraft carrier built, China during this year will have two aircraft carriers. This would seem to lead to Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and other neighboring countries of concern and may pose a threat to the United States has absolute dominance of the Asia-Pacific region.

Varyag aircraft carrier

In early June, the PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde told Hong Kong media said the aircraft carrier under construction, this is the first time that military officials regarding the construction of aircraft carriers. However, the construction of the carrier actually means "Varyag" was, or aircraft carriers, he did not specify.

According to diplomatic sources, military authorities said, "'Varyag' was not really made," and concluded that "the rest is being built aircraft carrier." U.S. government authorities have also made that the carrier is referred to Chen Bingde. U.S. Department of Defense released the 2010 edition of "China-related military and security developments," the annual report, also believes that China will have in 10 years the number of aircraft carriers.

Familiar with trends in the Chinese navy's military sources, the aircraft carriers are located in Shanghai's Changxing Island shipyard, it is estimated with the "Varyag" was the same size of medium-sized aircraft carrier. Aircraft carrier-based aircraft are equipped with self-developed F -15 fighter, and the "Varyag" was taking off and landing using the same way. Although based on the "Varyag" was the prototype, but the Chinese aircraft manufacturing technology has made great political publicity.

In addition, this year China increased vigilance around the Changxing Island shipyard, is said to be the start of construction because the domestic carrier's sake.

Experts point out that the deployment from the start of construction to the aircraft carrier, even if the United States also need to spend more than five years time. Chinese-made aircraft carrier is expected to actually put into use in the seven to eight years. Responsible for protecting the carrier's latest anti-aircraft missile destroyers are built them.