
Crazy Indian General: use the principle of first use of nuclear weapons to deter China

Instant nuclear bomb mushroom cloud rising

Editor's note: Although in recent years, frequent high-level visits between China and India to deepen exchanges and communication between the two countries, but in India on the "China threat theory" has always been sound. In the eyes of some right-wing in India, China, any kind of act, whether in international affairs as a responsible, or the modernization of national defense forces, or even the border areas are infrastructure improvements to India's "threat." In the United States and the West in some ways has to start thinking about the significance of China's rise and adjust its own rules of conduct of the era, the Indian media's clamor for war seem less frequently out of date. December 15, 2009, former Indian Navy will be a public library Maerxinge the author claims that India should adjust their nuclear strategy, to abandon the principle of no first use nuclear weapons to achieve deterrence of China. Articles specially compiled this article for the majority of readers concerned about the Sino-Indian relations in the perspective of an Indian hawks. Articles published this article by no means agree with his views, nor confirm that its contents, is a reference work. In this paper, the editing process has truncated the title and section headings added by the editor.

kumar singh

India's former Navy Lieutenant, Indian Navy's Eastern Fleet Commander in Chief

To the butter still have to guns

India is currently facing a threat from a number. Is not only the frequent terrorist attacks in the troubled India, from China, Pakistan and other neighboring countries of conventional forces and nuclear threats to India are also feeling increasingly heavy pressure. In order to curb the growing "China threat", India must be a lot more troops to the border areas, or to change the traditional practice in India, "no first use of nuclear weapons" principle. While India's nuclear arsenal is still not strong, it is believed that China will not turn a blind eye to the deterrent from India.

In view of India, both in sea and air forces there is a big short board, large-scale upgrade weapons and equipment will be a heavy financial pressures, limited resources and increasing conflict between the national ambitions of India once again faced with "guns or butter" is the ancient proposition.

India faces China and Pakistan's nuclear threat?

At present terrorism, insurgency, rampant piracy and other issues exacerbated the complexity of the situation faced by India, more importantly, India's neighboring China and Pakistan have a strong conventional armed forces and nuclear strike force. In other words, India is not only affected by terrorist attacks, also face a growing threat of conventional and nuclear weapons.

In 1998, Pakistan's use of bombs (in uranium-235 as a fissile material) were six times 10000-15000 tons equivalent of nuclear tests, Pakistan has also been carried out since then to plutonium-239 fissile material for nuclear experiments and test a variety of missiles to vote delivery systems. May 2009 The latest news shows that since 2002, Pakistan will begin development on a second nuclear strike capability, that Pakistan's military began to build underground silos and launch sites, a variety of camouflage facilities and road mobile missile developed delivery systems. By 2009, Pakistan seems to have possessed nuclear second strike capability, despite the Pakistan Navy has not ballistic missiles, nuclear submarines, but it's nuclear arsenal has been able to meet their needs. Pakistan has more than 60 nuclear weapons all point to India, the two new nuclear facilities have been required to start producing a new generation of nuclear weapons, plutonium 239, which does not require a new generation of nuclear weapons, and may even be able to direct the deployment of testing.

North Korea in October 2006 carried out a kiloton nuclear tests, followed in May 25, 2009 carried out a 2 megaton nuclear tests, and thereafter conducted a number of missile tests. This year, North Korea test-fired a 6,700 km range ICBM's, and the research and development of ICBMs sure to continue.

Pakistan and North Korea from developing nuclear weapons, so that India, Japan and South Korea and other countries struggling to cope with threat to the region, while China would be free to develop its economy and military power with a view to 2050 and the United States on an equal footing. Iran, Japan, South Korea to become an open or secret nuclear states is only a matter of time, the fact that many people believe that Japan also has the ability to 4-6 months, a nuclear weapon.

In contrast, India in 1998 on five types of nuclear weapons carried out a test, "Agni-II" and "Agni-III" series of ground-ground missile successfully test-fired about 3 times. But this face of China and Pakistan, nuclear weapons, as well as a real threat of terrorism is far from enough. United States President Barack Obama announced his advancing nuclear non-proliferation treaty, CTBT, FMCT intention. India also needs to re-examine its stockpile of fissile material (weapons-grade plutonium 239 and fast breeder reactors), accelerate the testing of new models to-surface missiles, including "Agni-V" ICBM.

India's current nuclear theory may need to be revised, the required number of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems must be reconsidered. India must establish a viable second nuclear strike force, strategic missile command is also need to make adjustments, at least to have an adequate response to the redundancy of nuclear war command system.

India need to first use of nuclear weapons

We need to re-look at our situation around.

In May 2009, former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf accepted an interview with CNN claimed that the Indian Army has 33 combat divisions, of which 24 have been deployed in the area near Pakistan. He did not mention Pakistan has deployed about 22 corresponding divisions of conventional ground forces. India and Pakistan in the border line stocking heavily mutual deterrence.

India, however, most worryingly, the status quo is not an armed confrontation with Pakistan, but the 4,000 km border with China borders only rarely deployed troops. While the media reported that the area has added two mountain divisions, 18 Su-30MKI fighters and the infrastructure improved. But India still needs a large scale to the north-eastern border in response to the deployment of additional troops in the region, more than 250,000 People's Liberation Army. If India does not want to deploy the army to make such a dramatic change, or worrying that it has brought tensions between the two countries, then India must change its "no first use of nuclear weapons" principle. Nuclear deterrence effect brought about by the deployment of a large number and sometimes even better than that of conventional combat force.

At the same time, the Indian navy and air forces need to quickly upgrade their equipment, compared with China, India's air defense, submarines, there are still a big gap between the fields. For India, China and Pakistan to maintain the balance of power will bring enormous economic burden, while India and China, the border issues between Pakistan in the next few decades are difficult to be resolved, so India is concerned, a kinds of new nuclear build based on the theory of "strategic deterrence" would be a more realistic option.

The adjustment of conventional military forces

Another problem faced by India is a strategic and conventional forces in structural adjustment, especially taking into account the fight against terrorism, armed rebellion and pirates alike. For example, the 155-mm artillery, ballistic missile defense systems, early warning aircraft, Su -30 fighter planes and even in these actions, played no role, needed to transport special forces helicopters, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and armed helicopters, and so on. The Army may need more special forces, the Air Force need to purchase more heavy transport helicopters. Strategic Command will definitely want to short, medium and long-range missiles to carry nuclear bombs, and a dedicated aircraft, in order to have the ability to launch a second attack.

Similarly, the Navy in the Gulf of Aden and Mauritius to conduct anti-piracy patrols off the coast of the demand is not an expensive modern destroyers, frigates and even aircraft carriers, but only a dozen can be equipped with helicopters, patrol boats can be, its cost is only the equivalent of Talwar class frigates of 10 % and 5% of the Delhi-class destroyers. Similarly, in order to meet the needs of coastal defense, naval and Coast Guard need to increase the number of patrol boats (each ship will cost about 2-5 billion rupees), which can be operated around the clock light patrol boats and helicopters will patrol vessels, unmanned aircraft and Do-17 maritime patrol aircraft act together. All in all, for a balanced navy ( "a balanced Navy"), the blue-water combat forces and the yellow water patrol forces are equally important.

In this era of global terrorism, faced the threat of air and sea, intelligence agencies, the role of the military and police forces have become equally important. The need to increase and modernization of these forces and their integration into the overall national structure. This is essential, but the Indian government for decades of neglect in these areas means that these sectors will be the country's limited funds to fierce competition.

Perhaps the only general to deal with all threats to communications and reconnaissance satellites, as well as digital real-time data link situational awareness and decision-making.

The only certainty is that military, paramilitary, police, intelligence agencies and strategic power in the next 10 years will require greatly increased to make up for neglected for many years budget.

1 Post a Comment:

I'm just waiting for India to get smashed by Chinese. There's hardly any more nationalist (and therefore dangerous) country in Asia.