
To avoid misreading Air Sea Battle, the U.S. military has officially deal with China

China militaryAbstract: Two years ago launched the "Air Sea Battle," core content, has revealed a major shift in U.S. military strategy: First, the major threat was turned from terrorism and religious extremism and so on in the past 10 years to the powerful countries to seriously restricting the U.S. in reality and the future.

Simulation diagram of X-47B to participate in future naval warfare

Littoral Combat Ship can be described as "small stuff " for U.S. Navy that has many large and medium warship, especially 11 large aircraft carriers. However, it is this displacement of 2,000 tons of multi-purpose ships, not only will the United States' Air Sea Battle, "the first row in the vanguard, but will be adjusted to the new U.S. military strategy of the" killer. "

Navy will play a major role in U.S. military Air Sea Battle

LCS is characterized by shallow draft, fast, fierce fire for offshore operations. The last U.S. ships are "large dog", running less than other countries, the door, the LCS is the equivalent of "little shepherds" to drill into another home.

The U.S. built only two LCS ships, but plans to build to fifty or sixty vessels. The U.S. will soon be deployed in Singapore, while several LCS, then possibly in the Philippines and other neighboring countries, mass deployment of the South China Sea.

United States to develop and deploy in China around the fact that the LCS to what?

Obviously, the answer is for China.

Once upon a time, the U.S. military's unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-penetrating bombs, laser guided bombs, M1-A1 tanks, which were once in the search for bin Laden, Saddam's capture "terrorism" steal the show's star on the battlefield weapons, are out of sight . Today, the most dazzling combination of weapons appears to have become the "Virginia" class nuclear submarines, Littoral Combat Ship and the composition of the F-35 underwater, surface and air trinity of "empty war" the most cutting-edge three-dimensional, the opponent can be block at the door.

There has been a view that the United States' Air Sea Battle, "is just a" methods ", like" network-centric warfare "that the new tactics, rather than" strategic. " I think: If only the "sea and air warfare," limited to the U.S. Army construction and use, it will be a misunderstanding, is bound to affect our national strategy to adjust for changes in the U.S. and the world strategic pattern to the right analysis.

In fact, January 5, the Pentagon announced that U.S. President Barack Obama's new military strategy for content and "Air Sea Battle," content is very similar, and there is nothing new. In addition to emphasis on this strategic shift, the timing coincided with the announcement of U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East and Afghanistan, consistent pace, contact the evolution of U.S. military weapons and equipment, which should not be a coincidence. Obama announced new military strategy at this time is the signal to China's neighboring countries: now formally deal with China.

Two years ago launched the "Air Sea Battle," core content, has revealed a major shift in U.S. military strategy: First, the past 10 years, mainly terrorism and religious extremism as its major threat, re-converted to the real and the future of the United States have serious constraints as the main threat to major powers such as China, Iran and so on. Has been the history of the United States as a strategic threat to the country-specific, such as post-World War II Japan, Germany, the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Terrorism is actually a 10-year U.S. military direction of the construction of a shift. Second, the United States from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, two full withdrawal, marking the United States for nearly 10 years, mainly in the Middle East, South Asia, the main combat area, and gradually shifted to the west coastal areas too, especially on the main Chinese coastal waters, including Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Obama's new military strategy report put it straightforward: "In the long run, the rise of China in the Asia-Pacific economic and security to the United States and many other aspects of the potential impact."

In the specific pattern of operations, the U.S. will completely abandon the use of two to three decades has been the "ground war", the transition to the "Air Sea Battle," the main form of combat. "Ground war" fighting style, at the time of confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact to win the contest, played a role can not be ignored. However, the passage, the next big country west Pacific region as a major strategic rival, the traditional "ground war" fighting style is certainly no longer applies, so the "empty war" came into being.

Foreseeable future, the United States in the armed services on the order of development, will also be a major turning point occurred Series: The Army and Marine Corps will give the Navy and Air Force. Future focus would be to protect the United States the United States in the western Pacific maritime "freedom of navigation", or the anti-intervention for the emerging countries and regional blockade.

U.S. military strategy for this major and comprehensive shift, China should be carefully judged and full estimates, must not only "new tactics" as the. We should be careful to trends, find out the intention, then according to the other's weakness, the development of appropriate weapons and equipment, research new fight style. 

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