


Why Did Japan Frequently Speculate China Threat Theory

China militaryOctober 16, Japan's new Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, Japan Self-Defense Forces parade on the public showed that: China and North Korea is a threat to Japan. This makes people realize that Japan speculation "external threat" to turn into a new round of "attack."

For a long time, Japan has always been on the domestic and foreign policy there is a strange phenomenon, that is "intermittent" to hype the "external threat" of such a topic. So, Japan is really facing a lot of "external threat" it? Why it frequently to hype the "external threat"?

F-22A fighters Stationed on Kadena's air base in Okinawa.

Japan's "external threat" to the main content

Since the end of World War II, Japan's security environment has been in a better state. In addition to the surrounding territory and maritime disputes on the Japanese home without the threat of force by the external signs of its core interests are basically in the safe and stable state. But in this case, Japan speculation "external threat" frequency unexpectedly rise.

In fact, the approach that Japan speculated "external threat" is not wise. Japan accused North Korea's rocket over Japan, but the reality is, when the carrier is outside the atmosphere through the airspace over Japan, that is, outer space, from the "international law" Look, this is not Japan's airspace airspace of the . In fact, Japan's airspace every day, by space vehicles, and various satellite launched by Japan, almost every day over by other countries, from this perspective, accused by North Korea launched a rocket over Japan, that is too outrageous.

Similarly, Japan accused the Chinese navy to enter the waterway through the ancient Palace of the Pacific training, which is also very funny. Miyako waterway is an international waterway, the Chinese navy into the Pacific Ocean through international waterways, is fully consistent with "international law" behavior.

Japan speculation "external threat" true intentions

Since the unprecedented security environment in Japan is good, and speculation "external threat" approach is so bad, why is it still "intermittent" to hype the "external threat" it? Let us look at it in the hype "external threat" at the same time have done.

We know that Japan's recent speculation "external threat" of the time, but also actively participate in the South China Sea disputes, preparation for updating the main ASDF fighter. There are reports also said that Japan's current government is trying to obtain the consent of the United States, breaking arms export the "three principles." It can be seen, the Japanese hype "external threat" is, essentially, are seeking something of.

In fact, Japan speculation "external threat", fundamentally speaking, is largely to do for others to read. Who do see it?

Japan's long-term strategic goal is to make itself into a so-called "normal country." So, Japan to achieve its long-term strategic objectives process, the real obstacle is who? China, or other neighboring countries? In fact, not. Japan's neighbors, when the Japanese onto the so-called 'normal country' roads, they can do is just put some of the moral, public opinion, diplomatic pressure, while China has been pursuing non-interference in internal affairs foreign policy, Japan's development, changes and breakthroughs for China is not a barrier.

Japan's "national normalization" of the obstacle is the U.S.

Obviously, the Japanese real obstacle is the United States.

From the perspective of modern history, Japan and the United States has a deep hatred: the year, opened up Japan to the United States, not China; in World War II among the two atomic bombs to Japan with their colors, and it is the United States. And a long time, the United States has been Japan's political, economic, diplomatic, and military development to be rigid constraints, Japan wants to a "normal country" road, obstacles have always been from the United States. For these, well aware of Japan's strategic decision-makers, the hype "external threat" manifestations of a sense that is made to the United States to see.

Japan has just undergone a major earthquake and nuclear leak like a major accident, from common sense that this stage is not a replacement fighter in Japan, the development of military power, the best time to change the domestic and foreign policies. Why does Japan have to re-hype "external threat", taking the path of a "normal country" does the pace of the road? In the final analysis, or because the United States.

The relative stagnation of U.S. development opportunities for Japan

Today, the U.S. is in the process of economic crisis, in foreign affairs, especially on strategic outside in a relatively stagnant period, in order to achieve their strategic goals, we must let the so-called "allies" who do more.

This case of Japan, is a golden opportunity, and Japan to seize this good opportunity to make a series of seemingly irrational things. From a historical point of view, Japan with speculation "external threat" approach has really been a lot of benefits.

For example, in the Second World War, the United States was envisaged that the Japanese economy at a low level so that the Japanese people in general living standards in the Asian average. The outbreak of the Cold War, the United States to relax the constraints on Japan. During the Japanese hype so-called "Soviet threat" as an excuse to continue the development of military power, which also prompted the U.S. to Japan gradually relaxed, so that the strength of Japan's rapid development of the whole country to a higher level.

From the current situation, Japan is like the old movie repeat, in order to achieve its move towards a "normal country" road.

Have an influence as a country, Japan, the practice of this duplicity, does not necessarily achieve the desired objectives. However, this approach is worsening in Asia, or even the whole Asia-Pacific region's environment, to the region to form a tense situation.