


U.S. Expert Said Chinese Aircraft Carrier Is A "iron Coffin"

China militaryAccording to Taiwan's "News Today" reported that in August this year, Chinese aircraft carrier Varyag purchased from Ukraine out to sea trial, there is a concern that China's aircraft carrier will change the balance of the Taiwan Strait, and threaten Taiwan's security, but military experts believe that, "Taiwan has nothing to worry about. "

China's Aircraft Carrier Sea Trials

Reported that the PLA has deployed opposite Taiwan about 400 advanced third-generation fighters, which have the ability to attack the western half of Taiwan, but limited in range, they can not attack the east coast of Taiwan. After the PLA owned aircraft carrier, it will have the ability to attack the east coast of Taiwan.
Taiwan media quoted the latest issue of "Defense News" magazine reported that military experts believe that the development of aircraft carriers in China, "political significance than military significance," Taiwan's nothing to worry about.

Roger Cliff, a expert of Washington think tank 2049 Plan thinks that Varyag with the displacement of 50,008 tons is a medium-sized aircraft carrier, which can only carry 40 fighters, once the war breaks, half of which must be used to defense aircraft carrier itself safety, only 20 fighters can be used to attack Taiwan.

Reported that, due to the PLA's anti-submarine capability is inferior to United States and Japan, so anti-submarine capability will become the deadly point of China's aircraft carrier.

"Defense News" magazine quoted U.S. Naval War College professor Park, Tianyi Ming (Toshi Yoshihara) view that the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force submarine enough to suppress the mainland carrier, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries are also the development of submarine combat capability, so some experts that the Varyag if sent to war, may not be a "iron coffin."

Some U.S. military experts even doubt whether China develop really aircraft carriers, and also aome experts doubt China's ability in this area, so aircraft carrier Varyag trial, is indeed a surprise to some U.S. experts.

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