


Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Libya's National Transitional Council Claims

China militaryMuammar Gaddafi killed during his capture after an assault on his home town of Sirte, claimed a spokesman of Libya's national transitional council.

It was reported before that in Sirte Gaddafi was arrested by soldiers from the ruling authorities, his legs were injured and later died because of injuries. Libya "National Transitional Council" held a press conference, the spokesman said Jia Gu, Gaddafi has died.

Gaddafi arrest picture, Gaddafi killed picture

Libya's Armed Services Committee Abdul Hakim Belhaj also confirmed the news. He said that Gaddafi killed after he was arrested.

Earlier, the ruling authorities in Libya's Sirte frontline commander Abu - Sarah Rahman told reporters that they had arrested Gaddafi, but Gaddafi was seriously injured, was taken by ambulance away, dead or alive.

Currently, the media has released a cell phone allegedly taken Gaddafi's arrest photo. Photo, Gaddafi face covered in blood, look trance.

According to another report, a spokesman Ibrahim al-Gaddafi regime also arrested near Sirte. The 11th Brigade's commander Jiagulile said, he saw Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Gaddafi's armed forces commander (Abu Bakr Younus Jabr) of the body. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar allegedly killed in the attack on Gaddafi's.


  1. It is expected the end of Gaddafi will end the bloodshed. Gaddafi ruled for forty years. Had he been captured alive, he could express his inner feelings before his last breath. In the dearth of humanity, spilling spree of violence spread country to country.Let the violence stop for ever here.

  2. next will be turn in chinese dictator,pla killed more then 8 millon people in china.
