


Goodwill But For Nibbling, China Is No Longer Need To Restrain Himself In Oil And Gas Development In Xisha And Nansha

China militaryBased on years of research on the South China Sea issue, and the recent observation of the progress of the South China Sea situation, we can conclude: In addition to intensify exploitation of oil and gas resources of Pearl River Estuary and in water near Hainan Island, the time that China develop the oil and gas resources in Xisha and Nansha has come.

Aircraft Carrier has great significance to the South China Sea

For a long time, China has not developed Xisha and Nansha oil and gas resources, mainly due to political self-restraint on the overall situation and the lack of deep-sea oil and gas development technology, coupled with the oil and gas reserves within nine out of line is not clear. But now the situation has changed.

Paracel Islands are Chinese territory, Xisha Islands and since 1974 under the control of all in China, China announced in 1992, "Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, the People's Republic," also identified the Xisha Islands of the territorial sea baseline. Based on "United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea," China has the right but also exploitation of the baseline within the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles of oil and gas resources. Others on this issue should not be given a voice. China's oil and gas resources on the Xisha have a clearer understanding, but also have mastered the core technology of deep-sea oil and gas exploration. More importantly, China's overall situation of restraint and did not return for good returns, on the contrary, there is controversy in some countries of the South China Sea oil and gas resources continue to "erode." Therefore, China has no need for oil and gas development in the Xisha continue to exercise restraint.

Nansha is the focus of the South China Sea dispute, concerning the "six seven parties" (China, China Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, and although there is no occupation of the South China Sea islands, but some of their exclusive economic zones of Indonesia into nine out of line . after the "five-party" following referred to as "ASEAN Five"). South China Sea has not been a comprehensive exploration and evaluation of oil and gas reserves.

China and Taiwan has not been in the Nansha area of ​​oil and gas resources, but exploitation of the ASEAN countries is a strong supporter of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. From the current situation, the ASEAN countries are likely to intensify exploitation of oil and gas resources in the Nansha Islands, both nine out of line outside the area, including nine out of line within the area. The Philippines in March this year, oil exploration ship beach exploration of ritual is an example of Vietnam and the Philippines has greatly strengthened its naval forces is a well known fact.

In the long run, ASEAN is China for the object, rather than the opponent. China's new security concept and good-neighborly neighbors neighbor policy does not become rich. But the Chinese have a clear understanding that "putting aside disputes and seeking common development" can be realized depends on the flexible and powerful means, in the Nansha oil and gas development, "in order to keep the struggle to seek unity is unity, unity and the unity and compromise seeking death." The existing management measures are necessary to strengthen the South China Sea, but not enough. Now need to take the steps are: first, to determine the number of Nansha block (preferred multi-country overlapping claims area, followed by North and ritual in the Wan-an Beach area); second, with the greatest sincerity and greatest concessions, invite controversial tripartite joint development institutions exploration and development; the third, a period of time, if the country has no intention to participate, then the unilateral international tender held in China; Fourth, if the tender is not satisfactory, then the Chinese should be separate development, and open the door to cooperation with the countries concerned.

First, the South China Sea oil and gas development is a political and strategic issues, followed by economic and technical issues. The situation now is that China has continued to allow no room for tolerance and restraint. The author's claim is certainly not the best way, but it is worth a try at this stage prescription.

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