


Under international law, China has the right to recover the occupied islands by force at any time

Recently, the South China Sea dispute at loggerheads tensions once again the international community's attention. The erroneous understanding of relevant countries and individuals became the important reasons fueling the South China Sea dispute.

PLA Navy's Type 052B destroyer launching anti-ship missiles

One mistake that China claims sovereignty over the entire South China Sea, greatly misunderstood and even maliciously distorted the South China Sea claims. I believe that the South China Sea claims include three meanings: 1, China has enjoyed nine out line all the reefs and the respective territorial waters within the sovereign. China 1958 "territorial waters Statement", 1992 "Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone," and the "islands of the South China Sea and China has indisputable sovereignty over adjacent waters," the diplomatic statement provides the legal basis; 2, 1982, as China "United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea" party to enjoy nine out along the land-line and meet the requirements of the territorial sea baseline islands out to 200 nautical miles territorial sea baseline and the largest exclusive economic zone does not exceed 350 nautical miles of the continental shelf sovereign rights and exclusive jurisdiction; 3 , according to the 1982 Convention and China in 1998, "Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf," the historic rights of the International Court of Justice and the relevant case law, the Chinese preferred to enjoy Kau-line fishing waters beyond the exclusive economic zone of China, freedom of navigation and the historic maritime law enforcement and other rights. Compared with neighboring countries claim that China has a more adequate, more distant, more convincing evidence, such as the Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong in 1958, the South China Sea islands owned by the Chinese recognize the note so that all the evidence.

Second, China can only be mistaken for the South China Sea by peaceful means to solve the problem. As early as 1984, Deng Xiaoping put forward the dispute on the Spratly Islands are two options: "One way is to use force to recover all these islands; a way to put aside the issue of sovereignty and common development." Based on good-neighborly and friendly policy of peace, China has designated the South China Sea by peaceful means to resolve the dispute option. However, this does not mean that China does not use force to recover the rights of the occupied islands and reefs. In this regard, in 1945, "Charter," Article 51 and the relevant UN resolutions provided a sufficient basis in international law, that when a country subjected to aggression, armed attack, the injured State is entitled to exercise the right of self-defense to recover the occupied territories. Accordingly, China reserves the right to use force to recover the occupied islands and reefs, but reserves the right to occupy, all within the control of nine out of line no reefs. Around the country will be China's policy of peaceful settlement of disputes or inability to misread the Chinese have no right to use force, over the years adversely affected countries in the region of China and painstakingly built a platform for peaceful settlement of disputes.

The third is mistaken for outside powers to intervene to solve the South China Sea helper. In order to counterbalance China, some countries have taken extra-territorial power grab against China's practice. Little do they know this approach will not help solve the problem, but also intensify the conflict so that to bear a greater risk. There is no free lunch, pulled outside the country, is bound to pay a big appetite to meet these needs the cost of national interests; against China, are bound to harm trade with China. In exchange for each other is the intensification of conflicts with China and the outside power is not effectively protect the empty promises. In the event of armed conflict, extra-territorial powers little possibility of full intervention, because they do not, as with China's greater expense.

Fourth, mistakenly believe that China Initiative "joint development" is not indispensable advice. China retained sovereignty, putting aside disputes and promote common development of the South China Sea resources is a pragmatic and sincere advice. Around the country are disregarded, the company continued to cooperate with outside countries, unilateral exploitation of oil and gas, exploitation of the South China Sea every year 60 million tons of oil, natural gas, 40 billion cubic meters, to form a "set aside our development, not playing well, the other party well everywhere, fierce race to adopt a separate "situation. The Chinese people gradually lost patience with the functions of the department to begin exploitation of Nansha resources has become a common voice of all walks of life. Also mining, will intensify cooperation with countries outside the contradictions, conflicts with China will ease, if the state insisted on intensifying the conflict, it can only themselves to blame, at your peril.

Advise the relevant countries can do more for regional peace and stability conducive to things, joint efforts with China to effectively implement the "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea."

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