


The era that to resolve territorial disputes with non-peaceful means will not come again

South China Sea issue is  a major issue of the ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting held in Bali, Indonesia July 19, Whether ASEAN will formulate "binding the South China Sea Code of Conduct" has become the most popular questions in the press conference.

The South China Sea map

"hot South China Sea issue" diffusing over Bali clearly aims at China. However, around the South China Sea there is a figure of another power, this is the United States. On the series of meetings of ASEAN foreign ministers last year, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly announced that the South China Sea islands dispute is related to the U.S. national interest, then the South China Sea issue all the way to heat up. Before the meeting in Bali, the U.S. warship arrived in Vietnam, the United States and Vietnam joint naval exercises still ongoing. Soon to debut in Bali high on what Hillary Clinton in turn, there is reason to express great concern.

We do not put the controversial issue of bilateral multilateral occasions, against the external powers interfere in this issue, which shows that China is neither wrong, what more does not mean that the Chinese fear. We adhere to this idea and just do not want to complicate the issue of expansion.

Between individual ASEAN countries and China on disputed territory and maritime rights and interests is an objective fact. Every inch of territory is sacred, so for small countries, big countries of the same. No matter how sensitive the problem itself, but not terrible, but not a deadlock. Through non-peaceful means to resolve territorial disputes has passed. As early as 60 years ago by France and Germany to promote the establishment of European Coal and Steel Community, taking historical grievances, and on this basis and gradually explore the road of European integration. Wise Asian countries also have the ability to effectively protect the stability of the South China Sea, the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and the sea, a sea of ​​cooperation, as soon as possible the complete elimination of the South China Sea dispute.

In the South China Sea issue, China's position is consistent and clear. The 1980s, China put forward "shelving disputes and seeking common development" idea. China is said, and also to do so.

The principle of peaceful negotiation to solve this common position, from the Chinese of the Times. Based on peace and development are the two main themes of the times to judge, Albert reform and opening up initiated by Deng Xiaoping. Firmly grasp the peace, development and cooperation of the trend, China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development. Great achievements in economic development, not only the growth of China's comprehensive national strength, but also the Chinese people's mind is more open, more patient when dealing with complex issues, "good, peaceful and prosperous neighborhood" around the foreign policy of China's diplomatic thinking has become an important components.

2002 reached the "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" is a good reason why the file, first, because China and ASEAN member countries strongly aware of the problem need to solve the South China Sea for peace, friendship and harmonious environment, the need to resolve differences and disputes and create a favorable conditions. A clear commitment in the document the parties in respect of equality and mutual trust established on the basis of the approach. Over the past 10 years, China has actively promoted the implementation of "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" and the follow-up process, and strive to achieve substantive progress as soon as possible. Unfortunately, individual countries did not have to be with.

Bali before the meeting, individual ASEAN countries, pushing hard to come up with a "binding the South China Sea code of conduct," and even leaked through the media, "I hope that in the United States and Japan's cooperation to solve the problem." Throw not the original intention of commenting on this initiative, the South China Sea issue in the current atmosphere, so "strong move to promote" a realistic basis? Linked to individual countries trying to promote the internationalization of the South China Sea issue to put pressure on China, we have reason to ask the question: so-called "binding" and "conduct" the true meaning what? China is not bound to the same time, open their hands and feet? Immature "conduct" will not have a "binding", but the situation becomes more complicated?

ASEAN is now really need to further promote internal political, economic and diplomatic aspects of integration. However, expect to internationalize the issue by the South China Sea to enhance internal integration and enhance the international influence is clearly unrealistic. Doing so, ranging from ASEAN member countries will affect the relationship between the weight will "hurt the interests of all countries in the region."

South China Sea dispute does not meet the fundamental interests of China and ASEAN. We put the future of the South China Sea into the common development and prosperity of the region to consider the height, they will more fully understand the meaning of peaceful negotiation to solve common. Need to do now is to cool the South China Sea disputes, promote the development of relations between China and ASEAN, the South China Sea the ultimate solution to create a good environment.

We believe that China and its neighboring countries have the ability and wisdom to properly handle South China Sea issue.

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