


Vietnam military exercises in South China Sea increase more danger of "showdown"

CHINA MILITARY A Vietnamese naval officer on June 13 said that the Vietnamese Navy the same day in two stages, a total of 9 hours of live ammunition. Vietnamese military officers said that the routine exercise "and the recent China-related matters has nothing to do." But the global media have noted the current friction in Vietnam increased the sensitivity of sea time, so this "to shelling based", there is no missile launch exercises to obtain a rare worldwide attention. CHINA MILITARY

Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" 13, said that although Viet Nam stressed that this was a routine military exercise, but it can be seen as a move to contain China, the tension between China and Vietnam will be further intensified. "Analysts believe that the South China Sea in a tight hold live-fire exercises will increase Vietnam and China 'showdown' in danger." Agence France-Presse that the sensitivity of commenting on this exercise.

Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, Vietnam, an expert said that the exercise so that the situation in the South China Sea temperature is expected to eventually be a "showdown at sea." Center for Strategic and International Studies Pacific Forum President Cossa said: "No one wants war, but increase the likelihood of accidental discharge." He also said, however, the parties will prevent the situation "out of control." French "20 minutes report," said the view from the drill site, the Vietnamese government is still trying to master the vent to resentment and avoid over-stimulation of China between the Chinese sense of propriety. CHINA MILITARY

A source close to the Chinese military, a military expert told 13, "Global Times" reporter, said that the Vietnam live-fire exercises caused the background of speculation, all kinds of speculation are all negative, and the objective to increase tensions in the region . If a party to take the initiative to exacerbate tensions which are likely to make the situation out of control, benefits no one. The expert also said that in the recent Singapore Shangri-La Dialogue, held its tenth meeting, the Vietnamese military officials have made clear that a bilateral solution to the South China Sea, a peaceful solution. Vietnam is now the tone seems to have changed, and welcome to the third country involved. This is the issue to the international attempt to make it enlarged and complicated.CHINA MILITARY

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