


Vietnam live-fire exercises in the South China Sea, the number of participating ships did not disclosed

CHINA MILITARY: Vietnam  live-fire exercises were held in the South China Sea, Location of military exercises is away from the Xisha Islands about 250 kilometers, about 1,000 km away from the Nansha Islands. Exercise from the day early in the morning, lasted 10 hours. China's Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday that China has always advocated and is committed to the countries concerned through direct bilateral negotiations and friendly consultations, the South China Sea by peaceful means to resolve disputes and differences properly, without resorting to force or threat of force.

June 14, Vietnam News Agency Vietnam, state media announced a group of Vietnam Navy in the life of its occupation of the Spratly Islands Reef (Vietnam, said Phan Wing Island) photos of military training.

Exercise lasted about 10 hours

According to China Central Television news, the Third Military District and the North Vietnamese navy marine security company yesterday issued a joint statement saying that Vietnam was held yesterday, live-fire exercises in the South China Sea, claimed its place in the "exclusive economic zone" near the island Weng, here from Vietnam's central Quang Nam province, 40 km coastline, about 250 km away from the Paracel Islands, about 1,000 km away from the Nansha Islands. Exercises held in two sessions, the first stage is from 8 am to noon, the second phase is from 6pm to midnight. According to reports, the exercise will not launch the missile, but did not disclose the number of participating vessels and other details.CHINA MILITARY

National Defense University professor, Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong recent interview with the media analysis, the fundamental place of the Vietnamese military exercises in its territorial sea and contiguous zone, is its sovereign waters of Nansha Islands in the west, about 1,000 km apart. Last year, Vietnam has several times in the neighborhood exercises, in which large-scale joint military exercises at a United States and Vietnam, the U.S. aircraft carrier that is parked here.

For Vietnam, the military exercise, the United States that does not support.

According to reports, this month the United States and the Philippines will hold a joint naval exercise.

Peaceful settlement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In a routine press conference yesterday, a reporter asked the Chinese side comment on the Vietnamese live ammunition military exercises? China and Vietnam have pledged to comply with "DOC", but the "Declaration" is not legally binding, the Chinese side to promote the binding code of conduct attitude?CHINA MILITARY

Foreign Ministry spokesman said Hong Lei, the Chinese stand on the issue in the South China Sea has always been clear, that is advocated and is committed to the countries concerned through direct bilateral negotiations and friendly consultations, the South China Sea by peaceful means to resolve disputes and differences properly. Hong Lei, said China is willing to make joint efforts with relevant parties to effectively implement the "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea," and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, but also hope relevant countries can do more for regional peace and stability conducive to things.

Hong Lei also said that recent events in the South China Sea because some countries have taken unilateral action, damage China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and made untrue and irresponsible remarks, trying to magnify the South China Sea disputes, complex. This is the crux of the problem. China is the legitimate rights and interests in the maintenance of their own, and not in violation of the rights of other countries. China has always advocated not to resort to force or threat of force, which is also the countries of the region in the "Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea," the consensus reached in the hope that the South China Sea dispute parties to respect the non-parties to resolve the dispute through direct negotiations efforts.CHINA MILITARY

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