


Vietnam holds live-fire exercises in the South China Sea

CHINA MILITARY: Vietnamese media June 10 published a notice, said the Vietnam June 13 will held in the waters near the South China Sea for 6 hours of live-fire exercises, and warned all ships away from the sea.

Both China and the US have increased naval  live-fire exercises in the Asian region

"Limited-scale military exercises in Vietnam"

10 in the U.S. State Department press conference, the first time responses to problems of the South China Sea.

The United States believes, Vietnam announced that military exercises, can not play any real help, but the fuel.

U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Alexander Downer said: "We do not support any practice of increasing the level of tension now, we do not think this is helpful." Downer said, the United States in the South China Sea policy is very clear requirements of the relevant national guidance in international law , the appropriate access rights and interests in the marine sector.CHINA MILITARY

Live-fire exercises will be conducted for the Vietnam, has been involved in the Vietnam War retired U.S. Army Major General Nash, 10, said he was surprised by the behavior of militant Vietnam.

Committee of Experts on the Chinese Navy Information Officer, Major General Yoon Cho had speculated that: "We think (Vietnam) is probably very limited scale military exercises. Because the delineation of the scope of Vietnam is not large, live to fight another so-called, is probably the artillery firing. may also have some older missiles, such as 70,80 of the last century Russian missiles, this is a very simple training activities. "

To comment on U.S. media said the decision was in Vietnam in response to China. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has recently asked the Vietnamese, "the whole party and people across the country, the military to protect this country's waters and islands."

China has acknowledged the Nansha is more

Committee of Experts on the Chinese Navy Information Officer, Major General Yoon Cho interview, specially produced in Vietnam in 1958, Premier Zhou Enlai, the Prime Minister a copy of formal diplomatic correspondence. In this correspondence, the Vietnam explicitly recognized, Xisha, Nansha Islands of China's territory since ancient times.CHINA MILITARY

Major General Yin Cho said: "This letter is written entirely agree with the Government of Vietnam on the Chinese government's statement and its annex 12 nautical miles.'s Declaration, indicate the 12-mile territorial waters of China on 12 miles, this provision applies to Xisha, Nansha, the Diaoyu Islands, etc. All Chinese jurisdiction reefs. "

Vietnamese Defense Minister Feng Guangqing Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, the venue has recently confirmed that Vietnam will purchase six 636 Russian "Kilo" class diesel-electric submarines, this is the first official confirmation of the fact that the Vietnamese.

Subsequently, the Vietnamese Deputy Defense Secretary Ruan Zhi Yong also officially confirmed that Vietnam has purchased from Russia Su-30MK fighter aircraft and air defense missile systems.

In recent years, the introduction of advanced weapons and equipment in Vietnam for the Navy, "shake." In addition to buying Russian-made Kilo-class submarines and other weapons enhance deterrence, the Vietnamese Navy also focus on the introduction of advanced fighters and patrol aircraft, to enhance maritime patrol monitoring capabilities. May, Vietnam imported from Canada, six Navy amphibious maritime patrol aircraft.

In addition, according to Japanese media reported that Vietnam defense budget in 2011 will reach 2.6 billion, equivalent to 1.8% of GDP, increased by 70% over the previous year.

■ Analysis

Vietnamese military exercise "bluff"

Committee of Experts on the Chinese Navy Information Officer, Major General Yoon Cho said the exercise is actually a bluff the South China Sea in Vietnam.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has recently asked the Vietnamese, "the whole party and people across the country, the military to protect this country's waters and islands." Major General Yin Cho said: "exercise is the attitude of the military leaders to respond, but also on the domestic forces of nationalism to make a number of account, nothing more."

Professor Meng Xiangqing National Defense University, said that such actions in Vietnam, including its political demands such, the status of Vietnam and the international situation is not commensurate. China has never advocated the use of force to solve the problem. However, China has never been afraid of any military deterrence. "Although Vietnam to spend heavily in recent years from Europe and Russia to buy advanced weaponry, but military strength alone, this is the obvious thing."CHINA MILITARY

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