


U.S. Navy should learn China and Russia equip both types of conventional & nuclear submarines

Cut military spending difficult to support the situation of "all nuclear" lineup, to consider drawing on Russian and China's experiences.

In the context of White House determined to cut the defense budget, powerful U.S. Navy has become a new "victim",  nuclear submarine forces which always rank first among the world are facing the predicament  of shrinking the size. How to spend less while maintaining combat effectiveness, so the U.S. Navy has become a headache problem. To this end, the U.S. Enterprise Institute think tank recently published an article, a large increase cited the advantages of conventional submarines, the proposed reference to the Sino-Russian counterparts Navy experience, and equipment, nuclear and conventional submarines.

U.S. nuclear submarine 

Think tank recommended "Nuclear ride conventional."

The article said that the Navy needs more submarines, but to support the submarine construction project of the defense budget has been cut, in this condition, the answer to solve the problem is the development of conventional submarines. Compared with nuclear submarines, conventional submarines, cheaper, and better able to meet current mission requirements, the U.S. Navy.

During the Cold War, the U.S. Navy submarine and cruise the main implementation of deep-sea "blue water" voyage tasks; and the current task focused on coastal areas, particularly the Strait of Hormuz, the Malacca Strait, the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea, such less than a hundred miles from land "green water" area. In the "green water" mission is to waters of the long-term conventional submarines, because these submarines smaller, quieter, more nuclear submarines in a closed area with more mobility. In fact, a modern diesel submarines are fully capable of quietly hidden sea, and monitor any ship from passing around. Especially the AIP (air independent propulsion) technology development and application, today's conventional submarines have been able to lurk in the water a few weeks. In short, with the gradual practice "from sea to land" strategy, the U.S. Navy does have the actual needs of the development of conventional submarines.

Not long ago, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his speech that the U.S. military is currently facing, "consumes more money, but the construction of the platform is less and less." Specific to the Navy, the Enterprise Institute of the article, conventional submarines can be modified to solve this problem. The article points out, with the purchase price from Germany to Turkey, $ 500 million and 212 conventional submarines cost $ 2 billion the U.S. Navy's "Virginia" class nuclear submarine comparison, "The result is very aware of the U.S. Navy is clearly no need to engage in bankruptcy of banks can improve the combat effectiveness of the submarine force. " It seems in the U.S. think tank, equipped with conventional submarines the U.S. Navy can meet current mission requirements, but also save money, it is very cost-effective development strategy.

U.S. experience in light of Russia?

In fact, the U.S. Navy has never relaxed the concern of conventional submarines. Enterprise Institute, the article said that in the past 20 years, China added 40 new Navy conventional submarines, although the U.S. Navy submarine not as active nuclear submarines, but the U.S. military is still a need to track the submarine, to find out their current implementation and will perform close to intelligence gathering, surveillance and reconnaissance, special operations, mine closures and other tasks.

Through several "close contact", the U.S. Navy for the performance of conventional submarines have a more intuitive understanding. In 2005, a joint exercise, a Swedish "Gotland" class AIP submarine had "hit" Navy "Ronald Reagan" aircraft carrier. More famous example is 2006, a Chinese Navy "Song" class conventional submarines have been deployed off the coast of Japan's "Kitty Hawk" near the surface. In addition, the U.S. Navy admitted in the past two years, they exercise in Peru and Chile to detect diesel submarines has become extremely difficult. Not difficult to see from these examples, the U.S. Navy for the performance of conventional submarines and prospects have personal experience, not turn a blind eye to their advantage.

In Enterprise Institute, the U.S. built conventional submarines will also bring additional "bonus." The article said U.S. allies and partners of conventional submarines is growing, in both the United States started the construction of conventional submarines for the U.S. to create jobs, while maintaining the operation of the shipyard. From tactical considerations, conventional submarines in the fleet increases, may provide a new house in the U.S. Navy anti-submarine training platform to effectively deal with other countries, conventional submarines to help. Article to remind the U.S. Navy, "Russia and China will bear in mind the nuclear submarines, conventional submarines into the Navy with the practice of architecture." Clearly, the U.S. Navy in their think tanks want to refer to Russia's submarine-building "nuclear and mix and match" experience.

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