


Glorious mission, Chinese first professional military online game released

Glorious mission, Chinese first large military online game with independent intellectual property rights organized by the Nanjing Military Region, the development, the press conference held in Beijing June 26. The successful development of this game, marking the military game development and application of our military network achieved a breakthrough.

Glorious mission, Chinese first professional military online game

With the rapid development of information technology networks, electronic games have become the reality of youth culture and entertainment needs of men. Development and characteristics of our proprietary network of military games, a response to the development trend of the information age, innovation and development of advanced military culture, a rich cultural life of the officers and men is an important topic.

In the departments under the guidance of the Nanjing Military Region, the backbone to start deployment of R & D work. After two and a half of exploration practice in early April this year completed a test version, and further testing, modifications, completed on December 20 the official version, the industry experts as "a breakthrough in the military game, a game industry initiative."

The network of military games, to a soldier's camp life as the background, to participate in code-named "glorious mission" against the main line of training exercises, according to a complete story line set points of the game, into "basic training, individual tasks, team against the "three modules, so players in the virtual environment for training and combat to gain knowledge, exercise courage, an increase of knowledge, good temper the political character, fighting spirit and mental qualities.

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