


U.S. weapons experts said the United States and its allies can easily counter the Chinese aircraft carrier

United States Vice President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Foundation, Paal (Douglas H. Paal) 26 published an article that launched the aircraft carrier Varyag will undoubtedly lead to the vigilance of Asian countries, and to the latter question the U.S. military to continue to provide security in Asia ability to protect. Therefore, the U.S. need to address the concerns of allies, let them know that the high vulnerability of China's aircraft carrier, easily available by the United States and its allies against weapons and equipment.

The article said that China's first aircraft carrier to be deployed, it is understood it will be named "Shi Lang" was to commemorate the 17th century, a famous recovery of Taiwan. Carrier previously known as "Varyag" number, the Navy built by the Soviet Union and Ukraine, in 1998, to 20 million U.S. dollars in China the price of the purchase of the unfinished aircraft carrier.

According to reports, the aircraft carrier was no electronic equipment and propulsion systems, procurement for Macau sightseeing boats, but around Africa, Ukraine, after it arrived in Dalian, where it was refurbished and painted the Navy standard color - gray. It is reported that installation of electronic equipment and aircraft propulsion systems.

The article mentioned that the official's intent is ambiguous carrier. Chinese sources said, only the procurement of a domestic risks and benefits of two aircraft carriers were a lot of discussion. Advantages, it can bring a sense of prestige and power. More practical terms, the test aircraft will make a more accurate estimate of the Chinese navy to deploy this capability cost effectively, training and operational adjustments, and then decide other issues. In some ways, the carrier can reduce the defense of Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea difficult.

As for risk, some Chinese people think that the threat against the conventional aircraft carrier battle groups increased when the carrier is not a wise economic and strategic choice. Moreover, the aircraft carrier battle groups will stimulate China's hostile intentions neighbors guessing.

The article points out, recently released by China's official statements and news reports make it clear that carriers support the school won the argument, at least temporarily won a victory. May be considered for the reaction of neighboring countries, Beijing is coming little by little hint carrier, including in response to new potential threat to the procurement. Beijing is cautious on the development of publicity, it is very wise, because learning to use the PLA Navy aircraft carrier capability will face enormous challenges.

Navy U.S. Navy senior military officers and Asian colleagues that even if Beijing can learn how to deploy the aircraft carrier, the carrier is also a threat to deal with. Some people joke that they want to buy 5 China Jiangzai battle, wasting more money on purchasing other systems, more threatening system. They said it would pay close attention to the implementation of China this year.

Recently, the Pacific Commander Admiral Robert Willard, in an interview with Bloomberg News, said he did not think the carrier is a degree of "symbolic" meaning, he added: "According to our allies there from the Pacific the feedback, I think the concept of the region will change dramatically. "

All this shows that Washington and the Pacific Command deployed aircraft carrier in China need to adopt a regional strategy to ensure that. On the one hand, the use of hearings or public forums clearly shows that the existing weapons and equipment the United States and its allies can easily counter the Chinese aircraft carrier; the other hand, is the use of public diplomacy, including the U.S. military in the area for regular and large-scale deployment and exercises.

The article said that Obama's return to Asia policy is a very good platform. If Obama successfully escape from Iraq and Afghanistan, effectively "re-balance" the attention of the U.S. Asia-Pacific region, this platform will continue to expand - but there are still a lot of work to do.

China is expected when the display of new capabilities as careful as before, to reduce resistance, so that the PLA Navy's new status recognition. Access to the port area, inviting local residents to visit the vessel, could mark the end of military transparency in China's current way to reach a new height.

But Beijing may be open to Vietnam, the aircraft carrier or other countries around the neighbors is not easy to control the strong message sent. In turn, these neighbors will have to remain silent and closer ties with the United States to choose between. Washington may also be willing to further the close relationship between selected countries.

The article concludes, is currently trying to get to China without a lot of countries already have the ability to make over-reaction, and the carrier's role in the battle may be reduced. United States needs to cope with the Asian defense experts, leaders and public perceptions gap, think ahead of the available options.

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