


U.S. experts said the U.S. should not become hysterical because China has aircraft carrier

In 1966, Hollywood released a film about a Russian submarine in the United States ran aground a small town in New England's Cold War comedy. This is a good film, it captures the era of Soviet military intentions undue hysteria. The film titled "Coming the Russians", I suggest that you rent from the video disc rental company to see.

Now we are ready to meet the Chinese version: It is not a new film, but the re-emergence of hysteria. China put its first aircraft carrier will be put into use, there are rumors that it will be a conquest of the 17th century named Taiwan's generals, called "Shi Lang" number. The carrier previously known as "Varyag" No, first for the Soviet Union built for the Ukrainian Navy was built in China in 1998 to $ 20,000,000 auction price has not yet been completed aboard the aircraft carrier.

Chinese officials tight-lipped about the construction of the carrier's intent. The source said China two aircraft carriers to get one of the risks and benefits there is considerable controversy. Benefits include a powerful reputation and sense of self. More realistic to say that test run will allow the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier to make more accurate cost estimates, training of personnel and capacity necessary for effective deployment of the operation of such adjustments. In some, the carrier will reduce the defense of the South China Sea in China's extensive territorial claims more difficult.

As for risk, some Chinese people think that in this era, the aircraft carrier battle groups face more conventional threats, the aircraft carrier from the economic and strategic point of view are unwise. Moreover, the aircraft carrier battle groups will deepen mistrust its intentions of China's neighbors.

Currently, the official statement issued from China and the new reporting, the carrier's supporters won a clear victory in dispute, at least temporarily. Beijing careful to avoid too much publicity carrier progress, which is sensible, because learning to use the Chinese Navy aircraft carriers will face major challenges.

The United States and many Asian countries, the Navy senior officers will be difficult to deal with the carrier as a threat, even if Beijing can learn how to deploy it. Some people joke that they want China to be received five battle groups, waste more money in it, to avoid spending money on other more threatening system. All said that they used in China this year will pay close attention to the efforts of the aircraft carrier.

U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Willard said in an interview shortly before the carrier of mainly "symbolic", he said, "According to our partners and allies in the Pacific to provide feedback, I think the region will change dramatically in the know. "

For decades, the region of U.S. friendly countries have been China's suspicions that the U.S. aircraft carrier make it feel at ease, symbol of the United States to stop its aggression of China's capabilities. This greatly strengthened in 1996, when President Clinton sent two carrier battle groups to Taiwan waters near Taiwan as China's missiles aimed at intimidation "exercise" response.

If Beijing chose to use the actions in the South China Sea, the aircraft carrier - which seems likely, then some other claim of sovereignty in the region of the country may be more intense than in previous centuries felt the influence of the Chinese army.

All these show that the needs of Washington and the Pacific Command deployed aircraft carrier in China, while adopting a strategy of regional comfort. One of the elements of this strategy would be to use hearings and public forums clearly pointed out that China's aircraft carrier in the United States and its allies already have a means of confrontation in front of a very fragile. The second element will be included regularly in the region, the U.S. military deployment and exercises, including high-profile public diplomacy.

To disclose their new capabilities, China may be as cautious as after, hoping to reduce confrontation, the Chinese navy's new status is accepted.

But Beijing also wants to be open to Vietnam, the aircraft carrier, and possibly other countries near the tougher issue of its neighbors signal. These countries will have to appease appease and strengthen ties with the United States to choose between. Washington will probably have to pick who it wants to deepen ties with their countries.

All in all, we should not get a lot of China and the countries already have the ability to combat effectiveness is waning efforts to overreact. At the same time, we need to address the defense of professionals and leaders in Asia and the cognitive differences between people, taking into account future choices. The connection may also make a film.

United States, "Defense News" weekly on April 25 an article Question: When "Shi Lang" was when the wind and waves (Author: The Heritage Foundation Research Fellow Chengbin)

Xinhua announced as the new aircraft carrier in China, "Shi Lang" number ("Varyag" number) of a series of photos, people with a stronger hunch that the Chinese naval fleet of the latest one about the water.

Many analysts have pointed out that the ship is actually the Chinese aircraft carrier launched the Asia Pacific region does not change the balance of power situation. After all, one needs not only a fighter aircraft, attack aircraft, anti-submarine airborne early warning aircraft and air refueling units can play a role in Gateway's air carriers, but also a variety of frigates to provide additional air, surface and underwater protection.

Therefore, at least, China was confidently predicted that within a few years, perhaps in 10 years will not have to play the role of an aircraft carrier battle groups. But as early as in the "Shi Lang" was before the first aircraft equipped with its impact on perceived to have been. China's neighbors, China's ability to deploy aircraft carriers completely changed the people of the Chinese military, especially the understanding of the Chinese Navy. "Shi Lang" was in fact the deployment of the PLA has been loudly declared himself a "blue water" force.

Other Asian countries the Chinese army has declared its armed forces can and will throughout the world, it has been with the Chinese navy near the Gulf of Aden waters of the implementation of international anti-piracy patrol (now Eighth convoy formation), participation in various international peacekeeping operations and the purchase of vessels in the same hospital ships.

Indian Institute of Defense Analysis Website April 21 article in question: some observations on the Chinese aircraft carrier

If the international relations of the countries in understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of the drive, then highlight the strength is most important. In January 2011 China conducted its first F-20 stealth aircraft flight, the aircraft carrier recently demonstrated, these moves are that China's growing military strength.

Chinese officials have said the aircraft carrier shows a country's overall strength. So, China's development of this key strategic military intentions obvious. For some time, China has been to "defend the territorial integrity and national economic development and overseas interests," the strategic view of the ocean-going navy. Recent developments show that China saw the show in its exclusive economic zone and beyond the need to protect their interests. First aircraft carrier, "Shi Lang" sign will be treated as "learning curve", China will in 2015-2020 so that the local manufacture of aircraft in service.

China's first aircraft carrier enter service can enhance the combat capability of the Chinese Navy, and Asia-Pacific strategic philosophy marks a change.

Now the world's eyes are focused on China's first aircraft carrier, "Varyag" was the carrier purchased from Ukraine, since 2002 has been renovated in Dalian. Reported that China would recover Taiwan, the Qing Dynasty in 1681 to rename the general Shi Lang the carrier. This may explain the Chinese wish to expand the maritime sphere of influence, improve the strength of the intentions and ambitions of the Navy. Reported that, "Varyag" was installed in phased array radar and the appropriate weapons, equipment and rely on the "Aegis" destroyer escort anti-missile system than the U.S. aircraft carrier, "Shi Lang" was going to be a more independent platform.

If China successfully completed within the planned time, "Shi Lang" was enter service, it will be able to have a home built before 2020, the aircraft carrier and combat radius extends to the airspace, which has a Duo Weihai on the capacity.

China desperately trying to explore to enhance naval capabilities particularly in the manufacturing intent behind the carrier's desire is worth it. When the Chinese Navy, director of Advisory Committee for Information, Major General Yoon Cho mentioned China's maritime strategy consists of three parts - the "maritime security strategy, development strategies and respond to the surrounding sea territorial disputes", he told the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in achieving security role goals clearer.

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