
AK-47 Automatic Rifle Topped the List of Ground Weapons 2011

China militaryNO.1: AK-47 automatic rifle

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AK-47 was put the first place, not because it was improved, but it will be decommissioned. In 2011, Russian military decided not to order the world's first guns - AK-47 automatic rifles.

Nicolas Cage in the movie "Lord of War" in some lines so: not a weapon like the AK-47 can be welcomed as it will not be bad, stuck, overheated, even if it is covered by mud or sand, it can still normal fire.

Although the Russian people choose to retire it, but in Asia, Africa, the Americas, AK-47 it is still superior overall performance in maintaining their "Double Tap" glory.

NO.2: U.S. Army top ten invention of 2010 

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October 2011, from the front line of non-commissioned officers with combat experience and the Army Training and Doctrine Command U.S. Army officers jointly finalized the 2010 top ten inventions, to some extent reflects the Army's forward direction.

Easy to see from the list of winners, mostly concentrated in the top ten inventions and infantry-related projects. As the vane construction of the U.S. Army transformation, "Ten invention" represents not only the U.S. Army Ordnance's progress in 2010, but from the reflection of the United States in 10 years, summed up the wisdom of the war on terror.

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Braved the world's most advanced tanks of the name, the Russian T-90AM tanks come out in 2011. Born with the previous style of Russian weapons, like, no its "people" first heard the sounds. All-weather capability, superior protection capabilities and attack capabilities ... ... just like an invincible attitude.

The T-90AM tanks technical and tactical performance details are confidential yet, not fully open. Russian media said the comprehensive insider information and expert point of view, its performance far exceeds the U.S. military, "Abrams" and German "Leopard" tanks.

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Braved the world's most advanced tanks of the name, the Russian T-90AM tanks come out in 2011. Born with the previous style of Russian weapons, like, no its "people" first heard the sounds. All-weather capability, superior protection capabilities and attack capabilities ... ... just like an invincible attitude.

The T-90AM tanks technical and tactical performance details are confidential yet, not fully open. Russian media said the comprehensive insider information and expert point of view, its performance far exceeds the U.S. military, "Abrams" and German "Leopard" tanks.

NO.4: Turkish Altay tank

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Turkey has a number of the scale of the Middle East first, second NATO army. They improve on the existing tank at the same time, to import or active cooperation in the development of ways to strive for a new main battle tank.

In such situations, a known all-weather capability of information technology chariot - "Altai" tank came into being. Turkey's military enterprises in the absence of design experience in the main battle tank, leading to large equipment projects, the core components involved in the development of main battle tanks, very impressive.

NO.5: new liquid armor

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A way to quickly disperse the impact of bullets, bullet-proof better the new "liquid" bulletproof grand debut.

The new body armor peculiar is commonly used in the production of Kevlar body armor which added a "viscous liquid." Once the high-speed shrapnel or bullet touched it, it can be instantly transformed into a hard material, absorb the impact of shrapnel on its surface impact force to prevent the missile body through.

NO.6: magic thinking helmet

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2011, met long-lost helmet again into public view. Two on the "helmet" news to attract everyone's eye - they break people's understanding of the traditional helmet, is a "thought helmet" and the other is the "helmet information display system."

Can be expected, the advent of the new helmet system will end in disguise traditional battle mode. Explore new techniques of fighting under way, will be another challenging issue of national military experts.

NO.7: Gaddafi's golden pistol

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Huge compared to other weapons of mass destruction, this whole gold and the pistol should probably be called art. Around this gun models, military fans engaged in a fierce controversy. But there is no dispute that this famous gun.

According to Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" quoted the British media reports, the Libyan official, said the National Transitional Council, a 17-year-old Libyan boy with the golden gun I Gaddafi Gaddafi shot. If reports are true, it means that Gaddafi died in his lifetime loved treasures of gold pistol.

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