


China can mass 500,000 troops within a month on Chinese-Indian border

"Hindustan Times" reported that 22, because China has constantly strengthened its military power in Tibet, the Indian central government decided to strengthen over 4057 km of India "line of actual control" areas of defense. Indian Army will deploy a new army, two armored brigades and one independent infantry brigade; the Air Force will deploy four in 2015 advanced the "Su-30 MKI" fighter squadron; "Indo-Tibetan Border Police" will 142 posts in the current based on the addition of 35 border posts and to expand the 13 battalions. India "line of actual control" that is illegal, "McMahon Line", the Indian map has as its formal, legal boundaries, southern Tibet and China was classified as a "Arunachal Pradesh." Chinese Foreign Ministry has said that China and India before the final settlement of border issues, both sides should make joint efforts to maintain peace and tranquility in border areas.

Chinese Force's Su-30 MKI fighters in military exercise in Tibet 

Indian defense experts quoted as saying by the Tibet region in large-scale infrastructure construction, the Chinese army is now capable of a month will be 34 divisions (nearly 500,000) to a "line of actual control" on. Reported that in the past two years, the Chinese army in Tibet has been airborne, parachute drop, and the use of artillery and other tactical shooting exercises, which add to India's anxiety. Indian Army's surge plan that the Chinese army the next few years will be India's "Arunachal Pradesh" pose a huge threat. Indian Army said that the Chinese military might across the "Arunachal Pradesh" border war, from a political point of view, Beijing is still called "Arunachal Pradesh" is a southern Tibet, and "Arunachal Pradesh" and Jammu - Kashmir inhabitants "separate sheet" visa policy.

"Hindustan Times" said the Indian Army's "counter measures" included in the newly formed West Bengal has 1.5 million people a fighting force (in the military that Gary Pan West Bengal); Lada to the east and Sikkim additional 1 gram eastern armored brigade; in the deployment of a North Aquin Nadu independent infantry brigade. Reported that the target for the completion of military buildup, the Army has been set aside in the 6000 Pan that Gary acres of land, there is a runway being used. Currently, these programs are awaiting final approval of the Cabinet Security Committee, sources said, the Army in a briefing last month, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Defence Minister Antonio have expressed agreement in principle.

According to India, "Indian Express" 21 reported by the Indian Ministry of the Interior Command, responsible for China's Tibet and India, border security, "Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force" to start the first time since 1978 a large-scale expansion. "Indo-Tibetan Border Police" has just recruited 13,500 new recruits, and decided in the "line of actual control," the Indian side of the existing 142 posts, based on the addition of 35 border posts, "to block the existing defense along the Himalayan border gap ", and enhance post officers and men in difficult conditions, the ability to conduct long-range patrols," to meet future operational needs. " "Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force" responsible person Parthian, said: "At present, the distance between two border posts between the 50-130 km, we intend to reduce the interval to an average of 20 kilometers."