


China has only 155 nuclear bombs, about 50 can reach the United States

Local 16, United States, "Union of Concerned Scientists" (UCS) released a report that China can not have the same number of nuclear weapons and the United States has no intention to do so. 

The U.S. overestimates the strength of Chin'a nuclear weapons 

This is named "China's nuclear arsenal: Status and Development" report pointed out that China's nuclear power development goal is to respond to attacks can save the power of timely and fight back, rather than focus on the offensive end, enhance their ability to attack. 

"Union of Concerned Scientists," Gregory Likulake China program director, said some U.S. Congressmen and intelligence officers to overestimate China's nuclear capability, they believe that China's rapid modernization of nuclear weapons is going through the process and seek with the United States has the same number of nuclear weapons, but it is not. 

The report notes that China, unlike the United States as his own warheads deployed on missiles, but these warheads are stored in various places, until ready to launch when the missile warhead installation will go up. 

The report also said that China has about 155 nuclear warheads for six land-based missiles, of which approximately 50 to reach the U.S. mainland, while the United States has more than 1,700 deployed nuclear warheads, missiles can reach China. 

The report also believes that because the manufacture of nuclear weapons materials - plutonium is limited, China can not significantly expand its nuclear arsenal, so that China can not have the same number of nuclear weapons and the United States, in addition, China's limited nuclear test has prevented their development and deployment of newer, smaller warheads. 

Aircraft carriers and UAV combat Chinese Navy  

In addition to this report, the U.S. media has also exposed the "U.S. drone aircraft carrier to be deployed in Asia," the news caused widespread concern in the outside world because the U.S. this is considered to counter rising Chinese military power. 

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited China earlier this year coincides with J -20 "the first public test flight" by the U.S. media interpreted as a Chinese intentional. Therefore, Chen Bingde exposed during his visit and his party's message is that the UAV is intended for the Chinese. 

U.S. Seventh Fleet Commander Siketefan - Booth Cork in the U.S. media will be disclosed, the U.S. aircraft carrier being developed UAV could be deployed in the Asian region. Although he did not name China, but military analysts believe that this carrier-based unmanned aerial vehicles to counter the rise of the Chinese navy, especially in the West as "carrier killers," the wind 21D missiles. 

Booth Kok said: "No aircraft system has a huge offshore potential is especially useful to improve our intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operational capacity, and will increase our ability to rapidly strike targets." 

According to reports, the U.S. military machine now has funding of about $ 636,000,000, but the aircraft into combat in order to also take a long time for various tests. 


  1. The US has 20000 nm.China has only 155. The problem is the US expects to attack China with 1000 one thousand nm but not a single Chinese nm should be allowed to hit the US.This is very stupid if the Chinese want to live under the threat of US nuclear blackmail.
    The Pentagon must know any attack on China,be it conventional or nuclear should attract Chinese retaliation The days when Eisenhower threatened with nuclear annihalation are over.
    The US will expect to be hit with unacceptable damage if it threatens the destruction of China.
    Oh btw China aint going to gobble up Asia or the whole worldor even Taiwan. The pentagon better stop the bull shit about defending freedom of navigation,etc. The PLA will go on stregthening China's military capability so that it won't be replay of the opium war or even Korea war when US forces and bases were sanctuaries.

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  3. So the White House expects China to be like mao's time or even in 1996 when 2 US carriers frightened the shit out of the Communist poliburo.Hang on a minute. It aint going to be like the old days as in Korea or Vietnam where US forces could attack with relative immunity and impunity.
    Any incremental improvement in China's defence is deemed a threat to the US. What will the US do if the roles were reversed.?They would do precisely what the Chinese are doing.
    The Chinese aint going to attack the US.It's the US which wants to attack China and be safe from Chinese counter attack.The Asia pivot is afigment to disguise US
    defence freedom of navigation,human rights,blah athousand times.In reality is to
    configure the US forces for attack on China.
    No matter what the US does,the Pla will keep on modernising not to reach parity but sufficiency without breaking the bank and to ensure a credible counter strike capability enough to give pause to any White House occupant before starting a war.
    Should such a president initiate a war with under false pretext like Johnson,he must immediately be removed and impeached.The human cost s will be incalculable and make the genocide of some wars insignificant.

  4. We all have heard about China's missile threat.China has only 155nm to defend itself.The US has 20000 nm ,excceding the self defence capacity by 15000 when only 500 five hundred nm will suffice.
    Regardless of what the US do or say,China will build up its defence not to bully SEA but to be in apposition to retaliate with sufficiency and lethality .
    No matter what the Us do,it cannot expect China to go back to the opium era or even up to 1996.
    Those dark days for the PLA are consigned to the dustbin.
