


Buried at sea within 24 hours Osama bin Laden cited the question: Osama bin Laden dead really?

Bin Laden died EST 1, 2, buried at sea, intervals less than 24 hours, prompting some to doubt the authenticity of his death. U.S. response to question 2, said the department has been using various means to confirm the dead Osama bin Laden.
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Pentagon officials said May 2, in accordance with Islamic traditions and customs of the body to deal with bin Laden, the United States to use Carl - Vinson aircraft carrier to bin Laden were buried at sea, buried his place in the North Arabian Sea. This is America, when bin Laden used in burial at sea - Karl Vinson aircraft carrier joined the Navy training profile photo.

"Base" organization's top leader Osama bin Laden, after coming out of death, all kinds of questions are followed.

Bin Laden died EST 1, 2, buried at sea, intervals less than 24 hours, prompting some to doubt the authenticity of his death. U.S. response to question 2, said the department has been using various means to confirm the dead Osama bin Laden.

In addition, the parties also whether the religious traditions of burial at sea, secretly sheltered Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan, the intelligence on bin Laden and other questioned whether the torture to extract a response.

Question one: the body identified as Osama bin Laden?
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Bin Laden identified by his wife, shooting photos and video, and DNA remains more than 99.9% based on technology recognized bin Laden

Outside the U.S. response to question 2, said it would make every effort to prove to the world bin Laden is dead. White House homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser, said Brennan, "We will do everything" to ensure that no one doubts that bin Laden's death. The U.S. side explained, has been using various means, through the Department of multiple channels, fully confirmed the dead Osama bin Laden.

Witness: Bin Laden dead wife recognized the name

Some unnamed official told reporters, experts compare the body looks and the first pictures of bin Laden, and then to raid occurred close to bin Laden when bin Laden remains of his wife recognized.

U.S. officials say the scene in the raid, with U.S. Special Forces team, "facial recognition" technology to scan the facial features of the deceased, identified as bin Laden. However, according to the Associated Press said, do not know how to use this technology to the scene.

Physical evidence: the remains and funeral videos photos

U.S. claims capture of Osama bin Laden remains of photos and video of the funeral process.

U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joseph Lieberman said, some people think that killing bin Laden is not a fact, is the U.S. government's "ruse", "may need to open the photos, to dispel doubts." He acknowledged that the photos may be too bloody, because bin Laden shot in the head.

Brennan 2, said the United States have not yet decided whether the release of the photographs. Statement by Senator Susan Collins, even public photos, "remain some fabricated the myth of Osama bin Laden is still alive."

Scientific evidence: DNA match verified 99.9%

In addition, the United States on-site testing of genetic material DNA, confirmed that 99.9% of the deceased may be Osama bin Laden. It is believed that the United States during the war in Afghanistan, bin Laden relatives collected DNA samples.

FBI Sibu former researcher Bruce Doyle said, under appropriate conditions, can be obtained DNA test results in a short time. However, according to him, difficult to draw the same day test results. "You extract the DNA samples, polymerase chain reaction to complete the same day (PCR), analytical instruments into the night ... ... the next day to decipher."

Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a DNA fragment in vitro techniques. Cloth Doyle said that if DNA samples and comparing the sample area in a number of standard "mark" match, to confirm "positive identification."

Second question: Why hold hastily buried at sea?

U.S. officials: Because no country willing to receive the remains; all the funeral ceremonies respect for religious beliefs, in line with religious traditions

2, senior U.S. officials said the United States earlier in the day the "base" Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's body buried at sea in the northern Arabian Sea, the funeral of bin Laden's religious beliefs respected, all the rituals meet the religious tradition.

An anonymous identity to the media details of the U.S. Department of Defense officials said the funeral in the U.S., "Carl Vinson" was held on the aircraft carrier in the U.S. Eastern Time 1:10 start, end after about 1 hour. Osama bin Laden after the death of the funeral is held within 24 hours.

The official said bin Laden's funeral to respect the religious beliefs, all the ceremonies are conducted in accordance with religious tradition. He said that the reason bin Laden sea burial, because no country willing to receive his body. Some religious sources have told The Associated Press, sea burial of the death of Osama bin Laden in terms of land, inappropriate.

White House homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser, John Brennan, the day of a regular news conference at the White House also confirmed the news. He said that the U.S. has bin Laden's body buried at sea, respect for the funeral of his religious beliefs.

Northern Illinois University psychology scholar Brad Sacramento forest that rapid burial at sea of ​​the United States Osama bin Laden death to those who do not want to believe that he provide a reason.

Bin Laden died in Pakistan in Afghanistan Alberta Bard, many residents do not believe he was dead.

Residents of Harris Rashid said: "No one knows how he will be here? Why they held the funeral so fast? Are false, is a drama."

25 Kamal Khan, said local residents, saying the United States "suspicious."

question three: water torture to extract a bin Laden intelligence?

"Base" actually suffered before the 3 183 people waterboarding, but Osama bin Laden's hideout information is provided by stopping after one year sentence

Homeland security researchers 2, says the CIA to help find a hiding place of bin Laden's "base" members repeatedly tortured. Torture torture once again become the subject of this controversy the focus of media attention.

Homeland Security officials said the CIA from the "base" before the No. 3 figure Khaled bin Laden tried to get a "messenger" of information related to the final follow it to find Osama bin Laden hiding place. Khalid is a "911" one of the masterminds of terrorist attacks, in March 2003 arrest in Pakistan. A U.S. government official said, was waterboarding, Khalid 183 times.

Water torture that interrogators tried to cover with a cloth or paper on the subject's face to the water, or head to trial submerged object, simulated drowning suffocation feeling. A former U.S. Homeland Security officials said the CIA in 2003 to stop the use of waterboarding and other harsh means to interrogate Khalid, but that terror suspects to the CIA until 2004, "hand over" messenger associated with Osama bin Laden's first important information. The official said the CIA stopped after 3 years of torture interrogation, Khalid start a broad dialogue with the CIA. In the meantime, he admitted knowledge of a code-named "Kuwait," the messenger, so the CIA to "Kuwait" is an important goal and proceeded to lock the track, and ultimately find Osama bin Laden.

Question four: Osama bin Laden sanctuary in Pakistan?

Zardari: the public and led to more than 30,000 Pakistani terrorists were killed; in private, they murdered my wife

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari secretly sheltered 2 denied Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. He said Pakistan is one of the victims of terrorism, the development will not become a hotbed of religious extremist organizations; Pakistan killed Osama bin Laden did not participate in military action, but to provide information to the U.S. side.

"War on terror is not only the United States, also belong to Pakistan," Zardari said, "Frankly speaking, Pakistan has a huge price to pay for the anti-terrorism stance, Pakistani troops killed more than all the casualties of NATO. We have lost 2000 police officers, 30,000 innocent civilians and the generation of social progress. "" For my part, bin Laden brought to justice not only about the political, personal factors also involved. these terrorists are murdering our great leader, I the child's mother. "

Zardari's wife, Pakistan's first female Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in December 2007 killed by suicide bombers. Her autobiography, the middle finger recognition in his lifetime, "base" member of an attempt to assassinate her, including Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu 3, on the "base" Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan question something that the international fight against terrorism, Pakistan has made important contributions to the Chinese side will continue to firmly support the Palestinians to develop their own national conditions and in accordance implementation of counter-terrorism strategy.

1 comment:

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