


Saudi Arabia sent troops to help Bahrain "maintain stability ", the U.S. said was unaware

As of 14 noon, dozens of vehicles have been equipped with Saudi personnel carriers 1,000 soldiers in the country pass through the border into Bahrain

Government of Bahrain local time on March 14 issued a statement confirmed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council (referred to as GCC) member states sent troops had moved into Bahrain, the Bahraini authorities to help quell the anti-government demonstrations since a month due to tension situation.

1,500 soldiers to enter Bahrain

Said in a statement: "Given the recent tensions in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the GCC military was invited into Bahrain from today to defend the national security." Bahrain, "Gulf Daily News," said the task of foreign troops is limited to "defend the vital oil , electricity and water facilities, and banking and financial system. " In addition, Bahrain's Crown Prince Salman 14, also called on the public presence of the GCC welcomed the troops and for the purpose.

GCC members are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain. As of 14 at noon, dozens of vehicles have been equipped with Saudi personnel carriers 1,000 soldiers in the country pass through the border into Bahrain, in addition, also confirmed the United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah has sent about 500 police "to help calm the tensions." It is not clear the other three GCC member Kuwait, Qatar and Oman are also involved in the operation.

Bahrain opposition groups have issued a 14 statement, said the GCC this is a conspiracy against unarmed civilians. "We put any foreign troops or military equipment into Bahrain's airspace, territorial sea or territory as a flagrant act of aggression, and is a act of undeclared war."

U.S. calls for restraint

GCC member states to send troops into Bahrain, the U.S. State Department spokesman Jay Carney said at a regular press conference, members of the United States does not believe that the GCC action "of aggression," but he urged foreign troops led by Saudi Arabia "respect the rights of the people of Bahrain."

A reporter asked the GCC want troops to withdraw from Carney to make Bahrain's position, Carney on the spot to be rejected. "We call upon countries concerned to exercise restraint and only dialogue can bring about political reform, which for the maintenance of the national economy of the region critical to the continued prosperity and stability."

In addition, the Pentagon spokesman Colonel David Lapan said, neither the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is still the highest military commander Admiral Michael Mullen, after Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries are not yet on any troops in Bahrain suggested that "the involvement of Saudi Arabia and other countries of Bahrain in 13 sudden escalation of civil conflict made the case that we have communicated to the parties of our concerns, to prevent any provocation or incitement to acts of sectarian tension."

Gulf Research Center in Washington policy analysis, said Simon Henderson, a Sunni royal family of Saudi Arabia sent troops to support the same for the Sunni royal family of Bahrain, the Shiite-dominated Iran, Shiite demonstrators in the protection intervention Bahrain, the possibility of problems will be larger.

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