


The number of missing has exceeded 2 million in Japan, "world first" breakwater is devoured

Local time on March 14, Japan, earthquake constant reports of new victims body was found in the report. Miyagi coast the day the bodies of victims found in 2000. Currently, the number of people missing in the earthquake have been more than 2 million.

14, Japanese media reported that police and rescue workers the day of Miyagi Prefecture in Bucks Peninsula found about 1000 bodies of the victims, believe that "they are swept away by the tsunami victims." On the same day, in the southern coastal town land discovered the remains of about 1,000 victims. Before the local number of missing up to 9600 people.

Japanese media reported data show that more than 2,800 victims have been missing more than 2 million.

Naoto Kan, Japanese Prime Minister directed the construction of the Miyagi Prefecture at least 10,000 temporary housing for victims who lost their homes after the earthquake, a temporary residence.

Naoto Kan, 14, said it would strive to control the power of minimal, even if limited social activities, but also try not to affect the lives of citizens. The day the Japanese government announced the allocation of 30.2 billion yen is also used for the victims of food, medicines and daily necessities.

Chinese state

The hard-hit Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima, Ibaraki 4 County about 3 million overseas Chinese students. Chinese Embassy in Japan has now confirmed that 8446 Chinese peace.

Disaster areas

Japanese government officials said the disaster had transported 120,000 blankets, 120,000 bottles of water, 2.9 million gallons (about 13 million liters) of gasoline and a lot of food.

Rescue outcome

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan 14 at the Headquarters for Emergency Disaster morning meeting that the search and rescue personnel have rescued 15,000 survivors.

Regional electricity

14 Ministry of Health, Labor and requirements of 9 counties more than 1900 medical institutions to take measures to ensure the power supply, standby generators used during power outages power generation, to avoid an impact on the treatment of patients.

■ Disaster

"World first" breakwater is devoured

We all suffer because all victims are put up, the huge demand for food and water, the government busy. In addition, the local body bags and coffins exhausted, the government requested to provide the national funeral, the funeral home going to a foreign "help." - New Iwate county officials Sato (transliteration)

According to AP, "Tokyo Shimbun" 14 reported that a major earthquake in Japan, located in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture in Hong Kong failed to resist the world's first tsunami breakwater, resulting in Kamaishi City, the sea swallowed the entire city.

Kamaishi City invested 122 billion yen (1 U.S. dollar equals 82 yen) of the huge amounts of money, spent nearly 30 years, the breakwater was built in 2009. Beidi breakwater of 990 meters length, Nanti length of 670 meters, 63 meters high above water when the tide height of 4.5 meters, water 58.5 meters.

In 2009, the breakwater by Guinness World Records recognized as the world's "largest deepest breakwater." That year, Port and Airport Research Institute Japan specifically entitled "so that the residents from the tsunami Kamaishi Port breakwater," the special edition, praised the "unprecedented in the history of the harbor breakwater project," "was the first real seismic design of breakwater" However, after the tragic tsunami disaster scene so that the researchers were shocked.

Earthquake and tsunami destroyed 24,000 houses

Over 44 million households gas disruption

AP Consular Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry told Xinhua class foreigners confirmed at this stage the Government of Japan has yet to learn about the earthquake in Japan in the casualties of foreigners in the exact situation.

Latest data show that the earthquake and tsunami in the total of 24,000 houses were destroyed, Miyagi, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Tokyo has 43 bridges damaged. Japan, over 44 million households in Northeast natural gas supply disruption, 140 million households without water, Miyagi Prefecture, 118 million households blackouts. In the nearest city from the epicenter of Sendai City, the city gas supply and most of the 13 urban water supply has not been restored.

Fog in the southern island of Kyushu, Japan, the new fuel Yue Shan volcano at 17:45 on the 13th eruption around again, smoke height of 4,000 meters. Japan Meteorological Agency to remind residents that the surrounding volcanic rock and ash.

13, the Japan Meteorological Agency said the earthquake 11 years, there were at least 168 times in Japan 5 on the Richter aftershocks, such aftershocks will continue for at least a month, while the next 3 days, magnitude 7.0 aftershock occurred in the possibility of up to 70 %. However, the Japan Meteorological Agency lifted the same day to the Pacific coast of Honshu Island, all the tsunami warning issued.

Chiba difficult tank explosion fire off a few days

With the explosion particles will spread to the surrounding air

Chiba, Japan after the earthquake a refinery pipeline oil tank explosion occurred and caused the fire. As of 14, the fire is still not completely extinguished. At present, three people were injured.

Local time at 15:30 on the 11th, Chiba Cosmo Oil refinery, pipeline shattered by the earthquake, resulting in gas leak, triggering a small fire. The fire subsequently spread to a nearby tank, the cause explosions, forming a large fire. At 6:30 on the 14th, the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs Fire Department declared the fire under control. After 5 hours, however, also issued a statement saying that the fire is continuing, so continue to invest in fire power.

Some media said that tanks of chemical agents, the explosion of the particles will spread to the surrounding air as it might give the personal safety of the environment and even harm.

■ geological changes

Japan moves east to North America

AP California Institute of Technology released a report that occurred in Japan 9 11 powerful earthquake, resulting in Japan's move east to the North 12 feet (3.6 meters).

Reported that the earthquake in Japan triggered aftershocks will continue, although the frequency decreased, but there will not rule out the strength of the larger aftershocks. According to monitoring data provided in the report, so far associated with the earthquake magnitude 5 or more foreshocks and aftershocks occurred 200 times, of which up to magnitude 5 earthquake has more than 20 times before.

The report, scientists from the earthquake to get a lot of valuable information, so that they more accurately observed that the plate is moved in the place where the earth, the earth is how to change.

■ livelihood status

Market, no price gouging

AP after the earthquake in Japan, due to road damage caused poor transportation and other reasons, the Japanese part of the supermarket, convenience store goods shortages occurred, caused inconvenience to people's lives, but the market does not appear on the phenomenon of price gouging.

Press 14 in the Kanto region some supermarkets, convenience stores found that bread, instant noodles, potatoes, onions, mineral water and other goods have been hard to find. While expanding the store purchase, and some stores to allow more customers to buy the purchase of goods has also taken measures, but still can not meet people's purchasing needs.

11 strong earthquakes in Japan and triggered a tsunami since the aftershocks of magnitude 6 and above will happen several times a day, some experts also pointed out that the aftershocks may last for a month, which made many Japanese feel worried and hope to live as early as the refuge preparation.

However, the Japanese market does not appear on the phenomenon of price gouging. Supermarkets, convenience stores although some of the goods sold, but the rest of the label to see the price and the past is no different.

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