


France worries that Fukushima is more serious than the Chernobyl disaster

With the threat of Japan Nuclear leakage increasing, France decided to abandon the cautious attitude. The first time was because the opposition accused of underestimating the progress of events, French government spokesman 弗兰索瓦巴 Juan (Fran ois Baroin) on Wednesday, "If the situation deteriorated to the point where the most serious, this incident has brought the Japanese nuclear leak the impact is more serious than Chernobyl. "

"Today we can say that the worst may even be taking place around nuclear power plants in Fukushima," French Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said.

After the United States as the world's second nuclear power applications power, France has 19 nuclear power plants, 58 nuclear reactors, and the two world giants in the field - nuclear reactor maker Areva and Electricite de France. Nuclear leakage in Japan, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Wednesday it will bring together the Group of 20 meeting of energy and economic ministers to discuss the next step energy options strategies.

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