
The report says that China may be in the study of new road mobile ICBMs

China's Second Artillery missile range diagram

This is a diagram on China's Second Artillery missile range in the report 

Local Time this week, the Pentagon released the latest issue of the "China's military power report," the report added with text in graphic mode "analysis," China's "nuclear war" plan.

Reported that the strategic nuclear forces is a threat to the only global power, China's steady progress in recent years is the development of its strategic nuclear forces. However, the report suspected that the Chinese military and government leaders never seem to consider the deployment of strategic nuclear forces, caused by the impact of global and systemic.

The report said China's nuclear weapons in recent years not only in quantity, but also have been improved in quality. China's nuclear weapons database about 20 silo-launched liquid fuel CSS-4 ICBMs, about 30 to launch terrestrial mobile DF-31 and DF-31A ICBMs, about 20 long-range liquid-fueled CSS-3 missiles, 15-20 liquid-fuel CSS-2 intermediate range ballistic missile, CSS-5 medium-range land-based ballistic missile solid fuel-propelled (for "anti-intervention" task), with Xia-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines to the JL-1 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, although the actual running state has yet to be suspect.

Report that by 2015, China's nuclear weapons will include the DF-31, DF-31A, and improved CSS-4 and CSS-5. The first cut (094) ballistic missile submarine appears ready, but with the JL-2 missile seems some difficulty in setting flight tests have failed repeatedly. Cut into the current situation was not real sure. In addition, China is also increasing research for the United States and other (national or regional) ballistic missile defense system technology.

The report also highlighted that China may also develop a new road mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, the missile may have to bring sub-guided warhead re-entry independent attack (MIRV) capability.

Full analysis chart of 2010 China military power report

Chinese Foreign Ministry has repeatedly fought back the so-called "China's nuclear threat." Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said China's nuclear strategy and nuclear policy is very clear, and it is completely transparent. China has always advocated and advocates the complete prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons, support for international nuclear disarmament process, and made its unremitting efforts.

This is mentioned in the report China's missile force strength, four columns are the missile type, missile missile, missile launch vehicle and the estimated range. One CSS-2 that is east -3, CSS-3 is east -4, CSS-4 that wind -5, CSS-5 that Dongfeng -21, CSS-6 that Dongfeng -15, CSS-7 that Dongfeng -11.

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