


Cluster bombs are prohibited to product and use from now on

November 2000, the U.S. military dropped cluster bombs in a live-fire exercise 

"Disable the Convention on cluster bombs" on August 1 come into force, by those who oppose the use of cluster bombs and international organizations welcome. They believe that this is the decade of the most important disarmament and humanitarian treaty, although the United States and other countries have not signed the Convention, but the entry into force of the Convention can have a cluster bomb on but not signed the Convention to pressure.


Covenants prohibiting the State party to the production, use, stockpiling or transfer of cluster bombs. Returned to the State party to the Convention on cluster bombs have been destroyed, cleaning up contaminated areas, set the deadline.

The convention was more than 30 countries legislative approval, a total of more than 100 countries signed the Convention.

Cluster bombs against the people and organizations welcomed the entry into force of the Convention, that this is the decade of the most important disarmament and humanitarian treaty, hoped that the Convention "moral significance" and to allow manufacturing cluster bombs have joined the ranks of States Parties.

ICRC President Jakob Kellenberger that the landmark entry into force of the Convention is that the countries that use cluster bombs in future will face a moral condemnation.

"We hope that the Convention has not yet entered into force the Convention will affect the conduct of States." Kellenberger said.

"Cluster bombs Union" coordinator Thomas Nashe that this is unfair and anti-humanitarian values of a weapons of victory.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the Convention on the global disarmament and humanitarian agenda was a huge advance, will help alleviate the increasingly serious security situation and reduce the destruction and casualties caused by weapons.


Usually refers to air cluster bomb cluster bomb bomb. When cluster bombs are put to the intended height or when the set period of time, playing the experience of open automatically, releasing dozens or even hundreds of sub-bombs, so as to achieve the target area caused widespread destruction effect.

If the bomblets failed to explode after landing, these "duds" in quite a long time would pose a security threat to civilians. General appearance as some duds, but colorful, easy to cause civilian casualties.

According to the NGO Handicap International estimates that the victims of cluster bombs, about 98% are civilians. Of these, nearly one-third are children.

"The main hazards of cluster bombs is that it killed too many civilians," Nash said, "They are in densely populated areas can not identify the soldiers and civilians, so after every attack, and many cluster bombs did not explode, many years to keep anti-local civilians. "

In 2006, armed conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the Lebanese people for a number of dud cluster bombs left by the explosion killed a high degree of concern the international community.

US-based Arms Control Association in Washington who Jeff Abramson Lamson that the incident was a turning point, the international community's high degree of concern and outcry that gave birth to the Norwegian Government banned cluster bombs advocated immediate international agreements and conventions.


Cluster bombs the U.S. is the main manufacture and use of the country, in the disabling of this issue of weapons of mass destruction has reservations.

The U.S. government insists that cluster bombs are "legal weapons", "in the battle with a clear military purpose", and in fact than some other weapons on civilians hurt less.

May 2008, representatives from 111 countries in Dublin, Ireland banned cluster bombs through the final draft of an international agreement, unanimously agreed to ban the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster bombs, at 8 years stockpile destruction of cluster bombs.

But the U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood declared that the United States will not sign an international agreement banned cluster bombs, because the signing of the agreement will mean more American soldiers lives at risk.

While cluster bombs have the U.S., Russia and other countries not signed the convention against cluster bombs, but believe that the Convention enters into force, such weapons in the future, the war is expected to be "stop."

Some opponents of the war that, in order to prohibit the use of anti-personnel mines, "Ottawa Convention" as an example, the U.S. also did not sign the Convention, but since the Convention entered into force, the United States not to have the manufacture or use of anti-personnel mines.

Nash seems, even from the moral law, the Convention enters into force will undoubtedly attempt to use cluster bombs that exert pressure on countries.

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